5 Questions with…Jo Hampson

Jo Hampson has been working in hair salons around Sydney cutting, colouring, styling and chatting her way through the past few years. She has been overseas more times than we can count and has now launched her own mobile hair business. We sat down with Jo to ask her a few things and if you want to know more check her out on twitter @HairStylingJoJo

How long have you been a hairdresser?

I’ve been a hairdresser for 9 years now.

What made you want to become a hairdresser?

I love being creative and I have a passion for people. My job lets me interact with all walks of life, from the corporate professional to the home maker, to the one year old coming in for their first hair cut. Hairdressing gives me a great opportunity not only to be able to style, and bring the best out of their hair but also use whatever time I have with my clients to place value on them and hopefully have them leave the salon with more confidence and a wider smile.

Who is the best/most famous person you have done hair for?

I think the most famous person is Carly from C-Corp. She was featured on the television show “secret millionaire”. She’s 28 and a very successful business entrepreneur. She also has been featured in editorials in a hand full of fashion magazines and was a finalist for The Cosmopolitan Fun Fearless Female Awards.

What’s your favourite, can’t live without hair product?

I couldn’t live without a REALLY good hair treatment! I use Goldwell Kerasilk ultra moisturizing treatment.

What’s the best tip you can give about hairstyling?

Blow-Dry with body- grab some medium/big Velcro rollers from the local $2 store and roll your hair up section by section as you dry-off/blow-dry your hair. Take them out at the end and comb your fingers through with a little gloss and your ready to party! Oh and be careful of very hot showers in winter- heat of any type will damage your hair!

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