How to…Apply the perfect blush

Okay, I have something I need to admit, I love blush and the pinker it is the better. I am talking head over heels in love with blush, I would go as far to say I would marry my blush if I could. I have a heap of blushes in my make up bag and one that is on high rotation right now is a Gorgeous Cosmetics blush in Coral. I would not say that it actually looks like a coral colour but a candy pink, just perfect for my addiction.

I love highlighting the apples of my cheeks with a beautiful blush and the way I go about applying this is with a good blush brush. Firstly apply your foundation and powder to set, I usually then highlight my cheek bones with an illuminator and wait a couple of seconds so it sets. With your favorite blush in hand swoop your brush through the colour so it has a substantial amount to work with, tap the brush to remove any excess.

Now make sure you smile while you do this part, in a circular motion blend the blush on the apples of your cheeks moving slightly upwards towards your temple. Make sure you don’t go to over board though because you will end up looking like this ↓↓↓ and that is way to much, even for a barbie.

RRP: $39.00. Available from Gorgeous Concept stores and online.

* Image courtesy of

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