Garnier and Caffeine, can’t go wrong

After staring at a computer screen all day long my eyes start looking like a scary horror film. I get dark circles under my eyes and bags the size of a Yaris airbags. I never usually suffer with this annoying condition, I think the lack of sleep and flourescent office lighting are all equally to blame, I am not however, going to let it linger around like an annoying aunt on Christmas day. I am going to nail this problem in its naughty behind straight away! How am I going to do this? I shall tell you, with a little gem called Radiance Caffeine Eye Roll On, a smart product developed by the one and only Garnier.

Now for the low down on this little beauty, and the key ingredient that is going to make our tired eyes disappear.. caffeine! Caffine is the mother of anti-tiredness ingredients, you know how awake and energized you feel after that morning coffee? Well imagine that, but for your eyes .

The most attractive part of this product (besides the caffine, obviously) is the metal ball that you roll under your eyes. When I first applied the formula it took me a little by surprise, it gave my delicate under eye skin an immediate cooling feeling. My eyes started to feel more awake and rejuvenated and I felt like I looked okay to face the day. My dark circles did not immediately disappear although the skin under my eyes began to look more and more full, with no more of those annoying creases that can make you look tired.

RRP: $17.95 for 15ml. Available from pharmacies, department stores, and supermarkets aka pretty much anywhere.

*Image courtesy of

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