Every Good Swivel Deserves Another..

Cracked, dry lips, is there really anything worse? At this point in time I have to scream with a big fat NO! This weather is literally driving my lips crazy! Sweltering hot, cold, raining, humid, every day seems like a different season and my lips are feeling the confusion. One minute they are all nice and mosturized, with no signs of dryness and the next they are the complete opposite. I needed a good remedy and pronto, enter Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Swivel Stick. My saviour, my night and shining armour if you will.

Palmers Swivel stick is the ultimate double whammy product, a  great lip balm for your dry lips (holla) and also a fantastic moisturizer for other dry areas like your face and arms. It is great for an on-the-spot moisterizer for dry skin and is so compact you can fit it into the most tinniest of handbags. It is so jam packed with Vitamin E that you can notice an istant difference in your lips, they suddenly feel all hydrated and smooth.

I have had my beautiful Swivel Stick for about a year now and I still have so much left, I hope it never runs out! I love to apply the lip balm after I exfoliate my lips with Lush Lip Scrub.

RRP: Around the $4.00 mark for 14g. Available from Priceline and all good pharmacies nationwide.

2 thoughts on “Every Good Swivel Deserves Another..

  1. Pingback: My Pregnant Saviours « themakeupcase

  2. Pingback: New Palmers – Sneak Peek « themakeupcase

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