Our Wishes Came True!

It is nearly the end of the year! Again! This means we are all getting older but first we get to have Christmas. Yeah! Lots of eating, family, eating, presents, eating, drinking, eating, friends…. Anyway, we thought a little bit of an update was in order.

We wrote about what was happening for us in 2012 here. So…..how much has been crossed off that list? ALL OF IT! Ha yeah! pat yourself on the back Makeup Case.

This is what’s been going down in the world of The Makeup Case

  • Amy had her second baby. Her name is Evelyn (Evie) May and she was born in May.
  • Amy managed to sell her unit, after what felt like hundreds of open houses and 3 offers falling through, we managed to seal the deal and moved to greener pastures just down the road.
  • Bec’s holiday dream has come true, she went to Mexico and New York! There may be some other news she has to share but I will let her tell you.
  • Actually I’m not sure if Bec got the Tokidoki Barbie for her birthday but its coming around again, so if not there is always this birthday.
  • As you can see we continued blogging, we had our first birthday in July. We have done lots of makeup, tried and tested lots of products and been to a few events. It has been a good year.
Stay tuned for all our adventured coming in 2013.

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