My wedding weigh in

Oh my goodness…. I have put on 4 kilos since getting my wedding dress!

As I typed those words I felt so disgusted with myself. I was so good with eating for so long and then winter hit and I lost all my motivation and control. Fiance and I recently booked our honeymoon and I need to get my act back before I head down the long walk to the scales on Biggest Loser! Hello, who wants to wear a bikini in Mexico and feel like an Elephant, um not me.

It must have been fate when on the day I was feeling my worst I opened up an email titled “Top Tips For Staying Fit This Winter”. Hello sign! The email made me motivated to keep moving even when I feel sluggish and can not be bothered. I am not good with cold weather so there is no way that I will go for a walk on a dark cold night when I get home from work. I even have a gym membership I bought with the intention of getting fit before the big day and I have only used it about once a week since. This makeup beauty needed a good stern hit with a powder brush, and I got it.

According to Health and Fitness expert Geoff Jowett there is no excuse to becoming a lazy bum during winter. Here is Geoff top 4 tips for staying motivated during the winter months;

1. Step out in your lunch break: Makes sense right? Why sit at your desk at lunch when you can take a nice stroll in the sun. Not only are you moving around but also getting a little vitamin D.

2. Get stuck into your winter casseroles: Such a great idea because you can pack them with veges and you also feel as though you are comfort eating. We recently bought a slow cooker and it is so amazing. You place everything in there before you go to work and wolah, its already for you when you get home.

3.  Get some moral support: It makes it so much easier when you have someone there to shake their head when you are about to eat something bad. That person for me is Amy, she motivates me to put down the fork and go for a walk or a run.

4. Always have snacks near by: My favorite point! I usually have some nuts, fruit and hummus at my desk during the day to graze on when I feel hungry. I was lucky enough to receive some Body Trim protein bars and cookies to keep me going throughout the day, honestly, they are delicious!


I now have absolutely no excuse to pile on any more kilos. I feel more motivated then I ever have and I’m ready to take on the events ahead.





* These products were sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – Please see our disclosure policy.

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