Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 Day 27 – 31

The January Photo a day challenge is almost over, but do not panic. If you really enjoyed the challenge and are hoping for something to keep your mind off work, home and all that boring stuff, well Fat Mum Slim has come to the rescue, again!  She has come up with a February photo challenge. Head over to her website to check it out. We will be taking part so you will see all our updates here, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (the Makeup Case)

Day 27. Lunch. Eating Maccas watching The BIggest Loser encore.

Day 28. Light. Sunrise at Cronulla.

Day 29. Inside your fridge. Its always full but nothing to eat.

Day 30. Nature. Flowers.

Day 31. Us, again.

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Photo a Day Challenge – February 2012

We, or maybe just me, can’t get enough of this photo challenge stuff. Its almost as though it gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning (apart from coffee and a little girl calling me from the other room) She has done it again Chantelle from Fat Mum Slim has come up with a photo challenge for February. Much the same rules as the January Challenge but the subjects are a bit different.

We will be doing our best to keep up and this time we thought we would try to make it a bit more beauty related. So see how we go. Here is the list.

Why not give it a go keep us updated on your progress.

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Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 Day 22 – 26

Day 22, your shoes. We both have the same ones from K Mart. Super comfy!

Day 23. Something old. Vintage cooking moulds from Vinnies of course.

Day 24. Guilty Pleasure. Makes us want to get and move but also makes us feel a little better about ourselves.

Day 25. Something I made. A delicious banana and mango smoothy.

Day 26. Colour. Pink.

We are getting very close to the end now, but there will be another challenge in February. Head over to Fat Mum Slim to check it out and why not also check out the results of the January challenge too.

Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 Day 17 – 21

Day 17. Water. Stand up paddle action shot.

Day 18. Something you bought. Its hot baby!

Day 19. Sweet. Yum yum.

Day 20. Someone you Love. My babies

Day 21. Reflection. Thanks Look To Sea for such a cool photo.



Don’t forget to check out Fat Mum Slim for all the details and more challenges.

Photo a Day Chalenge January 2012 – Day 13 to 16

Day 13.  In my bag. There’s heaps more in there. I should really clean it out.

Day 14. Something you’re reading. Just picked this up from Vinnies for $2. I never know what to read.

Day 15. Happiness

Day 16. Morning. The train station platform we see every morning on the way to work.


Check out more at Fat Mum Slim

Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 – Day 10 to 12

Day 10. Childhood. We used to love these and still do.


Day 11. Where I sleep. A very messy but comfy bed.


Day 12. Close up


Day 12 (again) Just one more close up photo. I like it even though its a bit dying.

Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 – Day 6-9

Day 6 – Somehing that makes us smile.Home time on Friday!

Day 7 – Favourite. Mr Potato Head

Day 8. Your sky. Clouds, humidity but no rain.

Day 9 daily routine. I hate unpacking the dishwasher.

Photo A Day Challenge Day 2 -5

Day 2 – Breakfast = Nespresso

Day 3 – Something You Adore. My Gyvie had a spill and no spare clothes.

Day 4 – Letterbox

Day 5 – Something You Wore – A bow in my hair

Follow #janphotoaday on instagram.

Photo a Day Challenge January 2012

We apologise, we have been a bit slack lately with posting, but as you all know, this is a crazy time of year and all ‘normal stuff’ gets pushed aside to make space for family, holidays, ,santa, exercise? and eating! We did, however, find a great way to keep us in contact with our Makeup Case fans that takes no time at all.

The Photo a Day Challenge – January 2012, thought up by Chantelle at Fat Mum Slim Basically, you just take a photo each day in January.

As she said, this list is just a guide or inspiration and you can upload your photos to any social media, put them on your fridge or just keep them to your self. There are no real rules though just be creative and have fun!

We started a bit late but we caught up. You can follow our progress right here, or on instagram (themakeupcase) Facebook and Twitter. Here is the first one You (or in our case….Us) #Janphotoaday

Why not check it out yourself at Photo A Day Challenge and give it a go, it could be a bit of fun. And while your there check out the whole Fat Mum Slim blog, its pretty freakin cool!

Thanks Chantelle, such a cool idea and has inspired us to whip out our cameras more often.