A Pregnancy Shoot

This was the first time I had done makeup and hair for a pregnancy shoot!

This lovely lady was about 6 months pregnant at the time and was glowing! It was just simple makeup and curled hair.

She already has a beautiful little lady, who also received a bit of pampering.

photography by Two Acorns Photography

























Style your look with Batiste Cherry and WIN

Look what we styled!

For your chance to win a $1,000.00 wardrobe from Market HQ, head to the Batiste Australia Facebook page and style your own look.

Its super fun and a great way to show off your inner fashionista. I know we can defiantly do with a wardrobe update right about now. We decided to go with black and red for our color scheme as it goes with the cherry back ground we picked. This winter I am loving hats, bowler hats, fedora hats, you name it and I want to wear it.


You must know by now that The Makeup Case is a HUGE fan of Batiste. Whenever there is a new style design or fragrance we are the first ones to get in line and buy one.

At the moment we are loving the new Cherry fragrance and design, it is so stylish and retro. I always have a Batiste in my handbag and with this new design I cant stop looking in my bag! I just love the color of the can and the fragrance…oh the fragrance…its divine!! All the time I spray some on my locks I think of baking a cherry pie or eating a cherry ripe ( probably not so good with my upcoming nuptials in a few months).

Check out our previous post on Batiste HERE.






* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – Please see our disclosure policy.


A little bit more hair inspiration

Becs wedding is getting closer and closer by the day. She thinks she pretty much has everything organised, which is great!!! But that doesn’t mean that I can look for more hairstyles for her big day. Here are a few that I love and because her hair is blonde that WILL look this good.






*all images from Pinterest

Silky Vanilla Hair

I don’t usually do to much with my hair. I’m lucky if I get time to wash it every few day! When I do wash my hair, it’s a quick lather, rinse and maybe repeat, towel dry and chuck it in a quick bun, usually no brushing either. ahhhhhhh. I saw those raised eyebrows.


I tried the new Soft and Silky Vanilla Silk Shampoo and Conditioner. My first try I followed my usual method. Apart from making my whole bathroom smell like delicious Tahitian vanilla (it sort of reminded me of cocoa butter, but better, so much better) I wasn’t very impressed. My hair felt really dry while I was rinsing the conditioner and didn’t improve once dried. In its defense, my hair was really oily and sweaty so I probably needed that repeat step.

However, I did not give up. Next time my hair was not as dirty, I shampooed twice, and even dried my hair with a blow drier. Oh so lovely! My hair was really soft and silky and smelled divine! Success!

So now I have been using the Organix vanilla shampoo and conditioner regularly. I love everything about it now, even the fat little bottles it comes in. I have forgotten all about my first time, no ones first time is great anyway. Right?

The low down, Tahitian vanilla bean oils deeply nourish and moisturise while silk amino proteins strengthen and seal cuticles. The Organix collection is low in chemicals and contains active ingredients. The packaging is environmentally sustainable too.

Organix is available nationally from selected pharmacies and all good supermarkets and will set you back about $15.99 each.

* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – please see our disclosure policy.

Wedding Hair Inspiration

As you may, or may not know, Rebecca is getting married later in the year. There is lots of planning and booking and deciding going on so I thought I might help out with a bit of inspitration for hairstyles.

We have done quite a few wedding hairstyles in our time but Becs hair is THICK and there is HEAPS of it so may be difficult to find something that is different to normal and that will hold all day.

The first place I stopped at for hair inspiration is Hair Romance. If you need to know something about hair, you will find it here. If you haven’t been to Hair Romance before you should definitely take a look. She turns everyday hair into great hair everyday.

Thanks to Google, I also came across Girls Mehndi Designs which had some really nice hairstyles. Some may not be wedding appropriate but I thought they were awesome.

So this is just a start. If you have any ideas we would love to hear them (and see them) you can post them on our Facebook page or just email us themakeupcase@hotmail.com

You can also check out some of our work here and here.

What hairstyle did you have for your wedding? We would love to see some photos.




Formal Makeup and Hair

Finally…….! I did this makeup and hairstyle for a year 10 formal back in December! and I have only just got around to showing you.

Disaster struck! The photos were on a camera I don’t usually use and when I tried to get them off the camera, something happened and they dissappeared. Vanished. Gone for good!

These are the only photos I have and were taken on my phone. So please excuse the bad lighting, blurring, and just the overall quality of the photos.

This is Nina. She wanted a messy low side bun with a braid across the top. I really loved the hairstyle and it was really easy to do. She wasn’t sure what she wanted on her face (because she doesn’t usually wear makeup) so we went for a not too dark smokey-ish eye and natural lips. She wore a pretty bright dress that was coral and silver, so it went well.

This photo does not do her justice, she was a complete knockout! She kept looking in the mirror and saying “it doesn’t look like me” She looked fabulous and I hope she had a great night.

PS it looks like her foundation wasn’t right but I promise you it was a perfect match. The light coming through the window was really harsh and I was using my phone to take the photos.

John Freida Foam Hair Colour

So, I finally got around to using these. Just after Christmas when my sister came to town. We both needed a hair cut and thought it would be a good time to colour our hair aswell. I just got a trim, it was about 20cms off, is that still a trim? Sara, got a fringe cut and some layers. Off home again, after a pedicure, to colour.

Who got which colour? We couldn’t decide. So we did half half on each other. She got red at the top and brown underneath and I did brown on top and red underneath. You can see the colours in the picture above. We both have similar coloured hair its kinda medium brown and pretty boring and even though we got it cut, it still comes to nearly half way down our back.

This is what you get in the box, and a pair of black gloves to protect your hands from staining. Its pretty easy, you empty bottle 2 into bottle 1 and shake it like a polaroid picture. Then put the pump top thingy into to bottle 1 and you’re good to go. So here is the tricky bit, you squeeze the bottle you don’t pump it. It took me ages to get used to the idea. But got it in the end. It comes out like foam so it doesn’t drip everywhere.

OK, you’re not supposed to put the foam directly onto your hair (we read the instructions after we were half way through, oops) but it still worked just fine. Best of all, it didn’t drip everywhere and ruin more of my mums towels. It was very easy to apply and there was
HEAPS of product to cover our hair. We even had some left over, but couldn’t persuade anyone in the house they needed their hair coloured. You leave it 30 minutes, I think, then wash it out and use the conditioner, bottle 3, provided.

The result? Ummm……it was ok. Easy to use but the colour was not really vibrant. Especially the red, it was not very visible at all. I am happy with the brown, it gave my hair a nice all over even colour that it has not had for ages. The first photo below was taken in daylight, inside the house. The second was taken in sunlight outside. I will say this, it was the quickest and easiest to wash out. The packet says rinse till the water runs clear, like all home hair colours. It only took around 10 mins and no colour on my mums towel when drying. WIN!

The hair colour range is available from  Target, Coles, Woolworths, Priceline and some pharmacies and is around $22, depending where you go.

*these products were sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration, please see our disclosure policy here

No more waxing for me…

I hate waxing! Come to mention it, I dislike any form of hair removal that involves too much mess and too much time. I do like looking clean and hair free though, oh dear, its hard being a girl sometimes! A million moons ago I decided to laser my legs and ventured off to a reputable beauty therapist every 6 weeks for treatment. I never found it painful but I did find I had to make a massive effort to book my appointments and save all my money before I went. It was like an endless cycle of laser and no money between appointments because back then laser was so new and the price tag was hefty.

These days the price of laser has dropped a lot but my laziness to head to the salon has remained the same. It is like the guys over at Phillips knew how lazy I am about this stuff and sent us over the brand new Phillips Lumea Precision Plus to enjoy from the comfort of my very own home. It’s so great and I can even do this on my lounge while watching Big Brother, oh my, what a sad little secret.

The Lumea Precision uses an Intense Pulsed Light, the same that professional salons use to prevent hair growth. The device applies gentle pulses of light to the hair which produces heat that moves to the hair follicle. Once the heat hits the follicle it is stimulated into a resting phase, which means the hair sheds naturally and future growth is inhibited. The Lumea Precision has an integrated UV filter and advanced safety controls so we know we are really protecting our skin. There are also 5 control settings that let you choose the appropriate intensity for your skin type and hair colour, so you are not over doing it.

The Phillips Lumea Precision is the only at home IPL device that is extra safe to use on your face and also comes with a bigger attachment so you can treat both your legs in 15 minutes! Heck yes, I am all for simple, fast and easy beauty routines. When my pretty box arrived on my door step I could not wait to try it out and I knew exactly where I wanted to try it, legs (little bits of re-growth are starting to appear since I last had it done), underarms, maybe the appear lip. I also have plans to use this on the bf…hahaha…he doesnt know it yet.

Before you use your Precision you need to ensure that each area you would like to treat is clean-shaven and of course you have read all the instructions. It is worthwhile pointing out that the laser is not recommended for ladies (and gentleman) with white or blonde hair. This is because there needs to be some pigment in the hair follicle for the laser to work. Now, once you have done all this and charged the battery you are all good to go. I have to admit the first time I pressed the laser to my skin I was scared to pull the trigger, I didn’t want it to hurt! I screwed my eyes shut and said a little prayer while bf sat on the lounge yelling at me to “just do it, geez”. I did it, I pressed the button, and it wasnt bad at all. Not the slightest bit of pain, much better than waxing and definitely less messy.

The first time treating my legs took me a bit longer then 15 minutes, mainly because I was getting used to the device and how to use it. After about 10 minutes I was on a roll and didn’t want to put it down, thinking of everything I could laser. Thoughts of making last-minute decisions of going to the beach in summer and not having to worry about any unsightly growth made me happy and spurred me on. The device is really so easy to use, you place the attachment so it is flat on your skin, a green light flashes up saying it’s “ready”, you press the laser button and whoosh your off. You don’t even need to keep pressing the button, you can press it once and just glide it over your skin so the flashes of light are released as the Precision moves over your body. Plus! The only negative I had with the Precision was that I felt like I should have been wearing some sort of protective eye wear, you can purchase these if you want to, I just shut my eyes.

After I was done lasering I applied a small bit of moisturizer to the parts I treated. I didn’t experience any redness afterwards or any pain, it was like I just shaved. After treatments you need to wait 2 weeks until you can redo the process, during that time you should try not to do any form of hair removal so you can truly benefit from the product. It should take about 4 treatments to see maximum results but I noticed mine after the first time.

My hair took longer to grow back and when it did it was much finer and lighter. I am just about to do my fourth treatment and I cant believe I used to waste all that time and money on waxing. The Precison Lumea Plus is so easy and you really see the results. During one of my treatments I was staying at my mums and it was so compact, you simply place it in the protective bag and thow it in your suitcase (not literally thow of course). I am never going back to waxing again, I am 100% converted!

RRP: $1,299.95 and available from The Shaver shop nationally.

* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – please see our disclosure policy.



Time for a new Hairstyle

As I tried to brush my hair this morning, (I haven’t brushed it in about 4 days and have been camping in that time so you can imaging the matt) I thought to my self, Its time for a cut!

I have had the same hairstyle for a very long time now. Its straight and long, I sometimes have some layers and sometimes a fringe but it is always long. At the moment, it is really long, I don’t think I have had a hair cut since……I can’t remember the last time! And I can’t reach the end when I brush it.

I need something simple and easy to maintain, cause with 2 little ladies needing my attention, I don’t have much time for hairstyling, or anything really. I have been thinking about a big chop, cutting it all off. I haven’t had short hair since I was in year 1 at school, I think my mum got sick of the knots and all the brushing (I have 2 sisters) and just chopped off all our hair.

So I turned to Google for inspiration, and came up with these.

All different kinds of short, I don’t know if I can go really short, its a big change. Maybe I will start small and eventually get there in the end.

Stay tuned to see if I actually chop it off or chicken out and just get a trim.

Have you gone short?

What I am loving right now..

I know I am a bit late to the Tangle Teezer band wagon but I am now on it and I just love it.

My hair is so annoying sometimes! Its getting longer and with that comes more tangles, more knots and more breakage. I was at breaking point (literally) and after I couldn’t take it any more I hit the beauty blogger-sphere to find an answer to my problems. After I found out I was not alone in my woes, I then found out that almost every one out there was using the Tangle Teezer. I had to get one and jumped onto ASOS straight away, picked my colour (Disco Purple of course), entered my credit card details, paid my $16 and anxiously waited about 2 weeks for its arrival.

When it arrived on my desk I was full of excitement, I wanted to use it straight away but curbed my urge until I got home and washed my hair.  Normally after washing my hair it is so hard to get a comb let alone a brush through the mess of tangles and knots, this was going to be the ultimate test for Mr Tangle Teezer. It was fantastic! The Tangle Teezer brushed through my knots and tangles without any pulling and no breakage, it was like a miracle. Since then I have been using my Tangle Teezer just about everyday and my hair feels amazing, soft and smooth.

The great thing about this brush is that it is so compact and fits neatly in your hands so you can control the brushing. The evenly spaced bristles are the key to the detangling, letting the brush glide through the hair and removing knots without pulling.

I am head over heels in love with my Tangle Teezer. Are any of you using the Tangle Teezer? We would love to know your thought…

RRP: $16 from ASOS.