Blend, blend, blend…..

Catching the train again after such a long break can be painful, but a must cause I need to go back to work. It doesnt help seeing all the other people looking fresh and ready when I need a second coffee just to make the train ride! But some things will never change. We have said it before, and we will say it again BLEND people!!!

The ladies may look good from the front, but turn a little to the side and there it is. That unblended foundation line along the jaw. Aahhh! It’s like a car accident, I just can’t look away! Ha.

Below is a bit of an exaggerated version of what I am talking about, but you get the idea.

We wrote about how much this line annoys us here  and the tools we use, so this doesnt happen here but basically apply your foundation then with a stippling brush or sponge, work the foundation down your neck and under your chin. Also don’t forget to soften the edges around your ears!  You should end up with smooth base that just blends in to match your skin colour. No lines!

End rant. Thanks for listening. Pass this on to anyone you think may benefit. hehehe!

*image courtesy Julia Kingsley. Check out her blog, lots of good makeup stuff there

Beauty bargains @ Myer

We love a good bargain and a freebie or two so were very excited when we found this Myer My Favourite Things, beauty essentials book. There are heaps of bonus offers, gift with purchase and great bargains, can you say buy one Essie winter collection and get 50% off anything in the Essie range! Check out some of the catalogue below or go to Myer to see all the goodness! Sale ends 3 June 2012, so be quick!

An oldy but a goodie..

Lately I have been wearing lots and lots of lipstick and lipgloss that my poor lips are in need of some attention. They are dry and rough at the same time and really need a good exfoliation to make them smooth and luscious again (okay, that might be taking it a bit far). I am sure you lipstick loving girls out there know what I am talking about, holla.

Then one night an amazing flash back come to me..I had the very thing I needed to make all this go away, and the product was sitting right in my bathroom draw. I don’t know how I could have forgotten about this little product, considering I see it everyday when I take out my toothpaste. The little miracle that I am ranting on about is Lush Lip Scrub in the sweet Bubblegum flavour.

Lush Lip Scrub is such a sweet product, I’m serious, sweet tooth beauties out there beware, you maybe inclined to eat it. Not only does it smell incredibly delicious it also contains organic jojoba oil and exfoliating castor sugar to erase all that rough skin, leaving your lips feeling soft, smooth and ready for more lipstick.

And it’s so easy, all you need to do is scrap a little scrub on your finger and rub it over your lips. When you are finished rinse it off with water, I also like to apply a lip balm after just to make my lips feel extra special.

HOT TIP: If you need a good exfoliator in a hurry and have no time to go to the shops, you can whip up one at home. All you need to do is mix a teaspoon of honey with some raw sugar and there you have it, a home-made lip exfoliator. This one is also good enough to eat!

RRP: $9.95 for Bubblegum, Sweet Lips or Mint Julips flavour. Available from all Lush stores.

*Image courtesy of

Hot Tip…At home Skin Treatment recipe!

Have you ever tried a home made skin care recipe? And succeed?? I have and I love it. It may sound funny at first but this simple little tip will save you pennies, time and will leave you with soft supple skin.  What is the secret I hear you yelling from the ratters? Well I am going to tell you…a good ole Avocado!

Now everyone knows Avocado’s are yummy (or are you one of those funny people that don’t like a good Avo? For shame), full vitamin B and A, and go well in a milkshake (so maybe I might have made that one up) but what Avocados are amazing for is your skin. There are traces of Avocado found in many skin care treatments from cleansers, masques, hair masques, body wraps you name it there is bound to have a bit of this beauty in there.

Now onto my hot tip. Have you ever eaten an Avo and then looked at the skin and thought “man there has got to be something I can do with this?” Well look no further because I have come up with the answer. You take those skins and rub the reminder of the amazing Avocado greenness onto your face! Okay so I know I may not be exactly selling this here and it kind of sounds a bit cave man like but it really does work and feels amazing.

Once you have applied it all over your face like a masque leave it on for 5-10 min or until you feel that it is has dried. Wash the excess off with warm water and a face washer and you are good to go. I usually wait a couple of minutes and then apply my night time moisturizer, after doing this your skin will feel brand new, hydrated and moisturized. The hardest part is trying not to eat it off your face!

Have you tried something like this at home?

RRP:  Around the $2.00 mark. It really doesn’t get any cheaper then this. You get a yummy Avocado to eat and a skin care treatment! Rad!

*Image courtesy of Wikipedia

Bargains and Gifts Galore!

If you love a good catalogue as much as i do then you have to check out the David Jones Spring Beauty Book 2011. It will not disappoint. I only stumbled upon it by accident when i was leaving David Jones the other day after visiting the Clinique counter. It has Miranda Kerr on the cover….so whats not to like?

Its not really a catalogue its more like a cosmetic reference library. It is packed, and I mean completely stuffed, full of great beauty finds and new season trends. There’s loads of gifts, instore offers and great new colours. My favourite, although not very practicle, the Shu Uemura False Eyelash Mini Lace. They are cool!

Now this is the best bit. If you buy any full-priced beauty product, including make-up, skincare, haircare, bath & body products and beauty accessories, for just $19.95 you can get this gorgeous Heritage tote deluxe sampler valued at over $140. It has lots of stuff in it for you to try and who knows… might just find your new favourite thing.

I bought a David Jones brand mascara today and I got one of these bags. I can’t wait to try everything so stay tuned for our reviews on this fab sample bag.

So rush now to David Jones or go online and check it out, but hurry offers end 28th August 2011.

*Image courtesy David

Hot Tip!

It’s something that all girls (and some men) struggle with. No one talks about it and everyone hates it. That’s right the dirty S word…..STRETCHMARKS!

When I was first pregnant it was on my mind everyday and thoughts of how I could escape them. So being a fan of Palmers products already (moisturiser, lip balms, Foot Magic etc) I decided to use the Massage Cream for Stretchmarks. I didn’t think anything could prevent them but I thought it cant hurt. Right? I used it morning, after a shower, and night, just before bed, massaging all over my stomach, and sides.

Surprise! Not a single one. Must be the mix of collagen, vitamin E, cocoa butter and elastin, or maybe just that it smells so good.

So why not give it a go or check out all the Palmers products Palmers Australia

RRP $13.39 for 250ml. Available at Woolworths, Coles, Priceline and all good chemists.

* Image courtesy Palmers Australia