Dove Real Beauty Sketches

We  love Dove! and we love their real women advirtising.

We had to share this video with you, its amazing!!


check out more Dove on YouTube

My wedding weigh in

Oh my goodness…. I have put on 4 kilos since getting my wedding dress!

As I typed those words I felt so disgusted with myself. I was so good with eating for so long and then winter hit and I lost all my motivation and control. Fiance and I recently booked our honeymoon and I need to get my act back before I head down the long walk to the scales on Biggest Loser! Hello, who wants to wear a bikini in Mexico and feel like an Elephant, um not me.

It must have been fate when on the day I was feeling my worst I opened up an email titled “Top Tips For Staying Fit This Winter”. Hello sign! The email made me motivated to keep moving even when I feel sluggish and can not be bothered. I am not good with cold weather so there is no way that I will go for a walk on a dark cold night when I get home from work. I even have a gym membership I bought with the intention of getting fit before the big day and I have only used it about once a week since. This makeup beauty needed a good stern hit with a powder brush, and I got it.

According to Health and Fitness expert Geoff Jowett there is no excuse to becoming a lazy bum during winter. Here is Geoff top 4 tips for staying motivated during the winter months;

1. Step out in your lunch break: Makes sense right? Why sit at your desk at lunch when you can take a nice stroll in the sun. Not only are you moving around but also getting a little vitamin D.

2. Get stuck into your winter casseroles: Such a great idea because you can pack them with veges and you also feel as though you are comfort eating. We recently bought a slow cooker and it is so amazing. You place everything in there before you go to work and wolah, its already for you when you get home.

3.  Get some moral support: It makes it so much easier when you have someone there to shake their head when you are about to eat something bad. That person for me is Amy, she motivates me to put down the fork and go for a walk or a run.

4. Always have snacks near by: My favorite point! I usually have some nuts, fruit and hummus at my desk during the day to graze on when I feel hungry. I was lucky enough to receive some Body Trim protein bars and cookies to keep me going throughout the day, honestly, they are delicious!


I now have absolutely no excuse to pile on any more kilos. I feel more motivated then I ever have and I’m ready to take on the events ahead.





* These products were sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – Please see our disclosure policy.

Wedding Flower inspiration

Pinterest has got me a little bit obsessed with weddings! I have been looking at hair, makeup, locations and flowers, is the latest thing. I’m pretty sure Bec has decided on her flowers, but there is no harm in looking……




My favourite





*all images from Pinterest


Style your look with Batiste Cherry and WIN

Look what we styled!

For your chance to win a $1,000.00 wardrobe from Market HQ, head to the Batiste Australia Facebook page and style your own look.

Its super fun and a great way to show off your inner fashionista. I know we can defiantly do with a wardrobe update right about now. We decided to go with black and red for our color scheme as it goes with the cherry back ground we picked. This winter I am loving hats, bowler hats, fedora hats, you name it and I want to wear it.


You must know by now that The Makeup Case is a HUGE fan of Batiste. Whenever there is a new style design or fragrance we are the first ones to get in line and buy one.

At the moment we are loving the new Cherry fragrance and design, it is so stylish and retro. I always have a Batiste in my handbag and with this new design I cant stop looking in my bag! I just love the color of the can and the fragrance…oh the fragrance…its divine!! All the time I spray some on my locks I think of baking a cherry pie or eating a cherry ripe ( probably not so good with my upcoming nuptials in a few months).

Check out our previous post on Batiste HERE.






* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – Please see our disclosure policy.


Our Guilty Obession


We need to confess a not so hidden secret to our lovely readers.

The Makeup Case are OBSESSED, and that is putting it lightly with Byron Bay cookies! I am talking head over heels need to get a fix most days of the week obsessed.

They are just so ridiculously delicious, so chunky and so amazing that we can’t stop thinking about them. It all started when we each enjoyed a lovely Dotty cookiebefore an early morning makeup job. From there we needed one on every makeup job that we did, we crave them like a hipster craves tight jeans. And I have to admit, once we even had two in one day (a Dotty and a Triple Choc Fudge).

Trust us, as soon as you get your little mitts on the chunky bits you will never want to eat anything else. (haha, do you like my rhyme?).

As pictured below…


Available from Woolworth, Coles and David Jones Food Halls.





My Long Haul Essentials

I have to admit I am not a great traveller. I get nervous, my hands get sweaty on take off and I can’t settle until the seatbelt sign gets turned off. In saying that, I love travelling and have had the opportunity to visit many amazing places. Along the way I have found my must have plane items that manage to calm me down and make my skin less hideous on arrival.

An essential on any long haul flight is a great lip balm. At the moment I am loving Clarins Moisture Replenishing Lip Balm, it is actually amazing! Packed with essential rose wax and Shea butter it makes your lips feel divine and healthy. When you apply the balm it feels like it is melting on your lips and I don’t mean that in a bad way, it just that you can actually feel it working to hydrate your smackers. What I also love about this lip balm is that it has a slight hint of pink to it, just enough to make your lips look delicious. This little baby is defiantly hoping into my clear plastic bag on my next overseas plane journey.

RRP: $30 for 15mls. Available from Myers and David Jones.

* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – please see our disclosure policy.

Hydration cream is a must have! I love to apply my Trilogy Ultra Hydrating face cream every 2 hours on a long flight. What I love about this cream aside from the fact that it hydrates is that it has Lavender in it. All the time I apply the cream I get a wif of Lavender and it calms me down straight away. The cream is also very light weight so it won’t clog my pores. With the harsh air conditioning on planes it is so beneficial to your skin to have a hydrating cream on hand.

RRP: $49 for 75mls. Available from Priceline. * Image coutesy of Trilogy

It goes without saying that water is a MAJOR must on a flight. It hydrates your body, takes away the bad toxins and makes your skin look fresh. On a recent trip fiancé and I both bought a 1lt bottle and they were gone before we even left Australia. I find that I get so thirsty on planes, I just can’t get enough of it.

Finally, the last must have for any long flight is good company. Time fly’s on long flights when you have someone to banter with, even if it’s only over the mundane food and bossy air hostesses. Sadly, on my next overseas journey I will be all alone on the flight there and back. I have never flown solo before and I have to say, I am extremely nervous. I keep telling myself that it will be good for me. Ha, I guess all will be revealed shortly…

Pure like a Dove

Okay, so I know deodorant is not the most glamorous thing to talk about. But, lets face it, we all wear it (at least I hope we do).

Dove recently sent us over the new addition to their deodorant family, Dove Pure. A fragrance free 48hr antiperspirant that contains no colours, alcohol or parabens.

If you are anything like me and have sensitive skin then you should get your mitts on this deodorant. Dove Pure is fragrance free so you don’t get that irritating itch that you can commonly get from using harsh deodorants.

I have not shaved under my arms for ages! Not in a gross way or anything I just prefer to wax and lately I have been getting laser. But if I was a shaver then this deodorant would work a treat, it contains 1/4 moisturising cream and skin natural lipids which replenishes the skin after shaving and strengthens the natural moisture barrier. Plus!

RRP: $5.25 for aerosol and $3.89 for roll on. Available from Woolworths, Coles and pharmacies.

* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – please see our disclosure policy.

Merry Christmas!!!

Just wanted to say a quick Merry Christmas to all our readers!

We hope you are all having a great day and have all been really spoilt. We look forward to another exciting year of reviewing products and letting you know what we think.

Thanks beauties for all your support over the last year. The Makeup Case would not be here without you all.

Much love and happiness,

Amy and Bec


Summer loving with a summer tan

We love summer and everything that comes along with it. Ice cream, going to the beach, Sunday cocktails and tanning! Because we are so skin conscious we never sun bake but we lovvveeee the fake stuff. And I’m talking the fake stuff that actually makes you go brown not orange.

The Makeup Case has been lucky enough to try out the amazing Bondi Sands range of fake tan, just in time for the best months of the year. Bondi Sands is an Australian owned company that in my opinion makes the best tan that I have used in a long time.

I have been using the self tanning lotion in dark every week for about 2 months now and I cant live without it. It provides the perfect colour and is so easy to use, you just add some tanning lotion to the application glove and rub it over your skin. Because the lotion comes out dark you can see it as you apply it to your skin and the glove helps with applying an even tan without those annoying streaks.

What I also love about this tan is that it smells delicious, like coconut, all the time I put it on it brings me back to my holiday in Mexico sipping cocktails. Bondi Sands products are also enriched with Aloe Vera to help moisturize your skin. I found that if I looked after my skin and moisturized daily my tan would last me about a week before I needed to top it up.

Here is a picture of me sporting my Bondi Sands tan at my recent engagement party. Yep, I got engaged in New York in November. I am super excited! The man sporting the Merv Hughes mo is my new fiance (he doesn’t always have a mo, it was for Movember lol).

If you want to fall in love with Bondi Sands just like us here is their stockist.




Our Wishes Came True!

It is nearly the end of the year! Again! This means we are all getting older but first we get to have Christmas. Yeah! Lots of eating, family, eating, presents, eating, drinking, eating, friends…. Anyway, we thought a little bit of an update was in order.

We wrote about what was happening for us in 2012 here. So… much has been crossed off that list? ALL OF IT! Ha yeah! pat yourself on the back Makeup Case.

This is what’s been going down in the world of The Makeup Case

  • Amy had her second baby. Her name is Evelyn (Evie) May and she was born in May.
  • Amy managed to sell her unit, after what felt like hundreds of open houses and 3 offers falling through, we managed to seal the deal and moved to greener pastures just down the road.
  • Bec’s holiday dream has come true, she went to Mexico and New York! There may be some other news she has to share but I will let her tell you.
  • Actually I’m not sure if Bec got the Tokidoki Barbie for her birthday but its coming around again, so if not there is always this birthday.
  • As you can see we continued blogging, we had our first birthday in July. We have done lots of makeup, tried and tested lots of products and been to a few events. It has been a good year.
Stay tuned for all our adventured coming in 2013.