Philips VisaPure Cleansing Brush Review and Giveaway

I love my skin looking good so I was really excited to try the Philips VisaPure.

I was impressed from the moment I opened the box. It is a really streamlined design, and easy to hold, it is also waterproof. So I can use it in the shower in the morning, which saves me time.

You can use it with your favourite cleanser and it vibrates and rotates so it removes makeup and dirt and clears away dead skin cells. The movement gives a massaging effect that improves circulation to bring out your skins natural radiance.











I get acne and pimples along my jawline. I hate it! I have been told to exfoliate to help clear it up, trouble is, exfoliating can make the rest of my face dry and sensitive. So I don’t do it as often as I should. The VisaPure sure did the trick. After a few days of using it, my skin was clearing up nicely. Thank you very much. While your cleansing, the brush pauses for a second, this means that you need to move to the next section. Pretty cool huh?!

“An added benefit of Philips’ VisaPure technology is that it prepares the skin for other skincare products and treatments women may use, enhancing absorption of the beneficial ingredients,” says Tom Paltridge of Philips

It’s true, my moisturiser seems to sink in better, leaving my skin feeling more hydrated all day.











Now, for the good bit. We have 1 Philips VisaPure Facial Cleansing Brush to give away.

For your chance to win, tell us in 25 words or less; what is the best gift you have ever received. Leave your comments below.

For extra entires you can also;

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Giveaway opens 9am Monday 25th November and closes 6pm Friday 6th December. (Sydney time) Open to Australia only. Winner will be drawn at random and published on the blog 9th December 2013. Winner will be notified by email and has 48 hours to respond. If no response, another winner will be drawn.

Philips VisaPure has a RRP of $199 and is available at selected retailers and The Shaver Shop.






*these products were provided to The Makeup Case of editorial consideration. Please see our Disclosure Policy.



My winter skin care

One of my pet hates is having dry skin. When winter shows its cold face I quickly change my skin care routine to cope with the change in the weather. I hate how the cold air makes my skin so dry, i can’t stand the feeling and I take an extra 10 minutes in the morning to get ready. (10 mins is a lot of time when you have 2 little ladies following you around and wanting to put lip balm on).

So here is my winter skincare regime;


Sukin Hydrating Mist Toner, made in Australia it doesn’t contain any alcohol or parabens. I use it straight after cleansing right after the shower. Rosewater and chamomile help hydrate and sooth my skin before moisturiser.

Yes to Carrots rich moisture Day Cream, I love its thick, creamy texture and almost no smell. It contains organic carrots that give my skin a vitamin boost and sweet almond oil to help hydrate. Also paraben free and it is 98% natural. Great for cold weather.

Yes to Cucumber soothing Eye Gel, I hate cucumber! But I love the smell and I know it is good for your skin, thats why I picked this eye cream. As I get older my eyes are getting more and more sensitive, this one is perfect. Doesn’t bother me at all. I use it almost every day in the morning to help wake up my tired, up all night with babies, eyes. It absorbs really quickly too.

Burt’s Bees beeswax lip balm, one of my all time favourites. Its 100% natural and really soothes my dry lips. It also prevents them drying out on my freezing walk to the train station. (This one is also a big hit with my 3 year old, she never leave home without it.)

Vaseline total moisture for dry skin, I don’t usually buy Vaseline products but I got this one as a gift with purchase from Priceline and I love it. I use it all over my body after the shower. I keeps my skin nice and soft all through the day. It soaks in really fast too, which surprised me. I am still getting used to the smell, but a quick spray of perfume fixes that!

If I feel like it is an extra cold, dry kinda day, I leave everything to sink in for a few minutes then apply a BB cream. My favourite is the Garnier BB cream but I also use the Clarins BB skin perfecting cream. They also have SPF so win win!

Do you change your skincare for winter?





Dove Real Beauty Sketches

We  love Dove! and we love their real women advirtising.

We had to share this video with you, its amazing!!


check out more Dove on YouTube

My Long Haul Essentials

I have to admit I am not a great traveller. I get nervous, my hands get sweaty on take off and I can’t settle until the seatbelt sign gets turned off. In saying that, I love travelling and have had the opportunity to visit many amazing places. Along the way I have found my must have plane items that manage to calm me down and make my skin less hideous on arrival.

An essential on any long haul flight is a great lip balm. At the moment I am loving Clarins Moisture Replenishing Lip Balm, it is actually amazing! Packed with essential rose wax and Shea butter it makes your lips feel divine and healthy. When you apply the balm it feels like it is melting on your lips and I don’t mean that in a bad way, it just that you can actually feel it working to hydrate your smackers. What I also love about this lip balm is that it has a slight hint of pink to it, just enough to make your lips look delicious. This little baby is defiantly hoping into my clear plastic bag on my next overseas plane journey.

RRP: $30 for 15mls. Available from Myers and David Jones.

* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – please see our disclosure policy.

Hydration cream is a must have! I love to apply my Trilogy Ultra Hydrating face cream every 2 hours on a long flight. What I love about this cream aside from the fact that it hydrates is that it has Lavender in it. All the time I apply the cream I get a wif of Lavender and it calms me down straight away. The cream is also very light weight so it won’t clog my pores. With the harsh air conditioning on planes it is so beneficial to your skin to have a hydrating cream on hand.

RRP: $49 for 75mls. Available from Priceline. * Image coutesy of Trilogy

It goes without saying that water is a MAJOR must on a flight. It hydrates your body, takes away the bad toxins and makes your skin look fresh. On a recent trip fiancé and I both bought a 1lt bottle and they were gone before we even left Australia. I find that I get so thirsty on planes, I just can’t get enough of it.

Finally, the last must have for any long flight is good company. Time fly’s on long flights when you have someone to banter with, even if it’s only over the mundane food and bossy air hostesses. Sadly, on my next overseas journey I will be all alone on the flight there and back. I have never flown solo before and I have to say, I am extremely nervous. I keep telling myself that it will be good for me. Ha, I guess all will be revealed shortly…

Pure like a Dove

Okay, so I know deodorant is not the most glamorous thing to talk about. But, lets face it, we all wear it (at least I hope we do).

Dove recently sent us over the new addition to their deodorant family, Dove Pure. A fragrance free 48hr antiperspirant that contains no colours, alcohol or parabens.

If you are anything like me and have sensitive skin then you should get your mitts on this deodorant. Dove Pure is fragrance free so you don’t get that irritating itch that you can commonly get from using harsh deodorants.

I have not shaved under my arms for ages! Not in a gross way or anything I just prefer to wax and lately I have been getting laser. But if I was a shaver then this deodorant would work a treat, it contains 1/4 moisturising cream and skin natural lipids which replenishes the skin after shaving and strengthens the natural moisture barrier. Plus!

RRP: $5.25 for aerosol and $3.89 for roll on. Available from Woolworths, Coles and pharmacies.

* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – please see our disclosure policy.

What is makeup primer?

We get asked all the time “what is primer?” and “should I use it.” We answer….if you want flawless makeup then use it. If you can’t be bothered with the extra step in the morning….then don’t worry about it. But what is it? Read on……all will be revealed.

Primer is designed to smooth and conceal fine lines and uneven skin texture, it gives a smooth, even surface to apply your makeup and it helps it stay on all day. They are usually made from things like waxes, polymers, and silicone, and often contain SPF to block the sun.

There are different types of primers for different types of skin. There is light weight, silicon based for oily or acne prone skin, it will be labelled ‘oil free’, and for dry or aging skin try a more creamy one which will contain waxes, lotions or emollients.

Primers can also be transparent or coloured. Depending on the colour, they can help hide dark circles, redness, age spots and un-even skin tone.

Now you know what it is and what’s in it, how and when do you apply it. Good question.

You should apply it after moisturiser, but before foundation or concealer. Wait a few minutes after moisturising, so it sinks in, then apple your primer of choice. Wait a few more minutes, then put your face on. We generally use a brush or sponge to apply it, but at home, if you want to use your fingers, thats ok too. Just make sure your hands are clean!

There are heaps of different primers on the market, so start with your favourite brand and go from there.

Here are some that one of our fav bloggers has reviewed. The Plastic Diaries. Click through and see what she thinks.

*image courtesy of The Plastic Diaries


You can also get primers for lips, eyeshadow and mascara. They basically do the same thing but we will save them for another day.

Let us know if there is any other products that you are not sure about and we will do our darndest to help.

*thanks for the info Wise Geek and The Plastic Diaries


What’s my skin tone?

I was just having a quick browse of the internet and came across this post by Lady Fabuloux. It is a really simple way to determine your skin tone so thought you may like to read it too.

Determining your skin tone can help you choose the right colours to suit you, with not only makeup but with clothes and jewellery too. If you have ever used a lipstick or foundation that just doesn’t look right, it could be because it doesn’t match your skin tone. So read all about it.

Lady fabuloux: What’s my skin tone ?.

Here are the basics;

First of all , you have two groups of skin tones – Cool skin tones and Warm skin tones.
Cool skin tones – the skin has a little pink in their skin (these people will burn easily)
  • People who look good in silver and not too great in gold , but also people who look better in ash colors.
  • Most of the time your veins will be blue ( take a look at your wrist)
  • Cools look better in white as opposed to ivory. And they look awesome in black.
  • You also have a cool skin tone if you look good in these colors :
Warm skin tones – the skin has a yellow undertone or golden undertone. ( these people will tan easily)
  • If you have a warm skintone gold will look better on you than silver jewellery.
  • You look more beautifull in golden haircolors then in ash hair colours.
  • Most of the time your veins will be green (take a look at your wrist)
  • Warms look better in ivory over white and washed out in black.
  • You also have a warm skin tone if you look good in these colors :
Thanks Lady Fabuloux for a great post. We will be back for another read soon.

Wedding Prep – Clarisonic

So as you all probably all know, I recently got engaged. Apart from all the wedding planning, dress shopping and venue booking I have been trying to get my skin in order for the big day. The wedding is not until November but I figure why not start early!

I have wanted a Clarisonic for a while now but could not justify the hefty price tag until now. I told the fiance that we would save money in the long run because I wont need as many facials.

What wedding skin care prep have you guys done?

PS: Please like and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Apologies for the lack of makeup and messy room, fiance was making a suprise epic dinner and I was confined to one area of the apartment.

RRP $150.00 available from Myers and the Clarisonic website.

Why not use Wotnot?

How great are facial wipes? At The Makeup Case we use them all the time, not only on ourselves but also our makeup clients. It is so hard these days to find one product that suits everyone’s skin types but we think we might have found the one!

Introducing Wotnot Facial Wipes, an Australian beauty first delivering organic wipes in a handy travel case complete with a mirror!

What is great about these wipes is that they are natural and organic, containing Australian certified organic aloe vera, organic sweet almond oil, organic rosehip oil and vitamin e. Sounds pretty rad to me! The combination of these ingredients help the skin achieve moisture, calm inflammation, regenerate and repair the skin and at the same time leave the skin supple and smooth.

Now we have mentioned what is in the wipes that make them so good for us, let us mention what is left out that are harmful for us. The wipes contain no alcohol (massive plus), no chlorine, sulphates or any other nasty chemical. Even the case that the wipes come in is made from recycled material.

I took these wipes with me on a recent holiday to Mexico and they came in super handy! With the hot temperatures there, fiance and I were sweating up a storm. I had these on call in my handbag for those moments. They were so refreshing and I could tell my skin really needed a bit of a pick me up. The wipes themselves are the perfect size for your face, I just hate those wipes that are to small they barley cover your chin. What is also amazing about these wipes is that they don’t tear apart while you are wiping your face.

As you can tell, I have experienced some pretty bad wipes.

RRP: $10.95 for 20 wipes, includes the refillable case. Available from Pharmacy and beauty outlets around Australia. For a more detailed stockist visit the Wotnot website.

* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editoiral consideration – Please see our disclosure policy.


Summer loving with a summer tan

We love summer and everything that comes along with it. Ice cream, going to the beach, Sunday cocktails and tanning! Because we are so skin conscious we never sun bake but we lovvveeee the fake stuff. And I’m talking the fake stuff that actually makes you go brown not orange.

The Makeup Case has been lucky enough to try out the amazing Bondi Sands range of fake tan, just in time for the best months of the year. Bondi Sands is an Australian owned company that in my opinion makes the best tan that I have used in a long time.

I have been using the self tanning lotion in dark every week for about 2 months now and I cant live without it. It provides the perfect colour and is so easy to use, you just add some tanning lotion to the application glove and rub it over your skin. Because the lotion comes out dark you can see it as you apply it to your skin and the glove helps with applying an even tan without those annoying streaks.

What I also love about this tan is that it smells delicious, like coconut, all the time I put it on it brings me back to my holiday in Mexico sipping cocktails. Bondi Sands products are also enriched with Aloe Vera to help moisturize your skin. I found that if I looked after my skin and moisturized daily my tan would last me about a week before I needed to top it up.

Here is a picture of me sporting my Bondi Sands tan at my recent engagement party. Yep, I got engaged in New York in November. I am super excited! The man sporting the Merv Hughes mo is my new fiance (he doesn’t always have a mo, it was for Movember lol).

If you want to fall in love with Bondi Sands just like us here is their stockist.