Philips VisaPure Cleansing Brush Review and Giveaway

I love my skin looking good so I was really excited to try the Philips VisaPure.

I was impressed from the moment I opened the box. It is a really streamlined design, and easy to hold, it is also waterproof. So I can use it in the shower in the morning, which saves me time.

You can use it with your favourite cleanser and it vibrates and rotates so it removes makeup and dirt and clears away dead skin cells. The movement gives a massaging effect that improves circulation to bring out your skins natural radiance.











I get acne and pimples along my jawline. I hate it! I have been told to exfoliate to help clear it up, trouble is, exfoliating can make the rest of my face dry and sensitive. So I don’t do it as often as I should. The VisaPure sure did the trick. After a few days of using it, my skin was clearing up nicely. Thank you very much. While your cleansing, the brush pauses for a second, this means that you need to move to the next section. Pretty cool huh?!

“An added benefit of Philips’ VisaPure technology is that it prepares the skin for other skincare products and treatments women may use, enhancing absorption of the beneficial ingredients,” says Tom Paltridge of Philips

It’s true, my moisturiser seems to sink in better, leaving my skin feeling more hydrated all day.











Now, for the good bit. We have 1 Philips VisaPure Facial Cleansing Brush to give away.

For your chance to win, tell us in 25 words or less; what is the best gift you have ever received. Leave your comments below.

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Giveaway opens 9am Monday 25th November and closes 6pm Friday 6th December. (Sydney time) Open to Australia only. Winner will be drawn at random and published on the blog 9th December 2013. Winner will be notified by email and has 48 hours to respond. If no response, another winner will be drawn.

Philips VisaPure has a RRP of $199 and is available at selected retailers and The Shaver Shop.






*these products were provided to The Makeup Case of editorial consideration. Please see our Disclosure Policy.



What’s my skin tone?

I was just having a quick browse of the internet and came across this post by Lady Fabuloux. It is a really simple way to determine your skin tone so thought you may like to read it too.

Determining your skin tone can help you choose the right colours to suit you, with not only makeup but with clothes and jewellery too. If you have ever used a lipstick or foundation that just doesn’t look right, it could be because it doesn’t match your skin tone. So read all about it.

Lady fabuloux: What’s my skin tone ?.

Here are the basics;

First of all , you have two groups of skin tones – Cool skin tones and Warm skin tones.
Cool skin tones – the skin has a little pink in their skin (these people will burn easily)
  • People who look good in silver and not too great in gold , but also people who look better in ash colors.
  • Most of the time your veins will be blue ( take a look at your wrist)
  • Cools look better in white as opposed to ivory. And they look awesome in black.
  • You also have a cool skin tone if you look good in these colors :
Warm skin tones – the skin has a yellow undertone or golden undertone. ( these people will tan easily)
  • If you have a warm skintone gold will look better on you than silver jewellery.
  • You look more beautifull in golden haircolors then in ash hair colours.
  • Most of the time your veins will be green (take a look at your wrist)
  • Warms look better in ivory over white and washed out in black.
  • You also have a warm skin tone if you look good in these colors :
Thanks Lady Fabuloux for a great post. We will be back for another read soon.

We wish for….a totally awesome makeup case!

We both use, and have always used, just a standard boring makeup case (I think I even got mine at Bunnings) Don’t get us wrong, they do their job and they do it well, but…..

Secretly we have been wishing for a totally awesome case with lights and wheels and all that stuff. A bit like these ones.

I don’t know if you can see it, but this one is pink alligator skin, my favourite!

We would settle for a black one though.

There is no real reason that we haven’t got one of these yet but they are harder to find in Australia. These ones were from Coco Martinelli there is heaps of makeup brushes, cases, makeup, jewellery cases and lots more. It is an American based website but I think they ship to Australia.

How To….Clean your makeup brushes

We get asked this everytime we have a job. It is a very important part of maintaining your brushes and most of all, it will keep your makeup looking how you want it too. Clean your makeup brushes people!

At makeup school we were taught to clean our brushes after every person, do you know how many nasty things you can pass on from person to person? When your doing face after face the best way to clean them is to use a brush cleaner that has alcohol in it. This will remove almost all the product but more importantly it will kill any bugs that you may have come across.

So your brushes (depending how many times you use them) should be cleaned at least once a week. We clean our brushes properly after each job to keep them in tip top condition and so we don’t pass on any yuckies to anyone else. How do you do it? I hear you ask.

I found this new way to clean brushes. We have always used shampoo and brush cleaner, but this method, I find, also works a treat. I found it on You Tube and its by Makeup Geek. This  is an awesome site for all your how-to’s, tips and trick and products.

So make sure you keep your brushes healthy and hygienic, your makeup and your face will love you for it!

*video courtesy You Tube and Makeup Geek TV

The pursuit of the prefect Brow.

Okay, so some of you lucky people may have gotten a preview of this on Friday and now here is the complete story. One thing a lot of women around the world are trying to achieve at the moment is the perfect eye brow.  With so many products on the market these days it is confusing to know what product is best, what product will achieve the look you are after and also what product is the best value for money.

Here at the Makeup Case we are constantly asked how to define brows and make them perfect without all the drama and time. It seems that Prestige Cosmetics have come up with the perfect solution to all our worries, making it easy for us to achieve Brow Perfection! Prestige has the most extensive Brow Range on the market right now and I am so excited I get to try it all out. Now you may remember how much I raved on about Prestige Cosmetics Mineral Foundation in a previous post and I can tell you the Brow products are just as magnificent.

Now the first step to achieving brow perfection is to define the eyebrow.  Fill in the brow using an eyebrow pencil or pen. Make sure you fill in all the gaps where you may have over plucked (we know that we have all been a little guilty of this from time to time) or where hair is sparse.  Thick brows are definitely in right now, gone are the days of the thin tiny eyebrow.  My most favourite product from the Prestige Brow line is their My Brow Pen, it is such an amazing product and so easy to use that I now carry it everywhere with me at all times.  The Brow Pen works exactly like a regular felt tip pen (duh, I hear you say). The fine-tip pen features a long wearing formula that applies easily and adheres to the hair and skin all day. It has a quick dry formula that dries instantly which is fantastic when you are on the go.  The compact packaging of this product is one thing that makes this pen stand out from its competitors, with its capped lid that never comes off by accident (this has happened with so many of my eyebrow pencils and eyeliners I have lost count) it can easily go into your handbag with your million lip glosses.  The felt tip pen never leaks and always looks clean and pristine that you think it is only a new product, even though you have used it a million times before.

If you don’t like the idea of using a liquid pen on your face and you prefer a good ole fashioned eyebrow pencil Prestige has a great one in their line named My Ultimate Brow Pencil. It is a double ended pencil that provides a smooth application in a natural colour and a brow brush to keep all those stubborn hairs in perfect place. There are two shades available; one for blonde hair “Blondy” and one for darker hair “Toffee”, which is what I use. Both pencil and pen achieve great results and it is really up to you to choose which one you are more comfortable in using.  Out of the two my favourite is definitely the Pen, it is quick and easy to use, you never have to sharpen it and it lasts a life time (okay so maybe not a life time but, definitely a long time!).

After you have filled in the brow with your pen or pencil it is time to tweeze. Make sure not to over pluck and only remove hairs that are outside of the filled area. The tweezers I am loving sick right now are my animal print slant tweezerman tweezers.  Truly the best pair of tweezers that I have ever owned, they grab those annoying hairs in one grip and somehow feel less painful.

With all the filling and tweezing out of the way comes the most exciting part, highlighting. Highlighting is not only fun it also enhances your brow bone and adds definition and why would you not want that? My Brow Duo Illuminating Jumbo Pencil is a fantastic little gem that makes your brow bone sparkle; it opens up your eyes and the pen itself looks so cute! The pen is dual ended and contains a matte highlighter on one end and a shimmer gold highlighter on the other. What I like to do is use the matte highlighting end first and shade directly under my brow bone, I then use my finger and soften it a little. After that I then apply a touch of the gold shimmer over the top and blend downwards.

To set all your brows and hard work in place you can use the My Brow Mascara. A clear gel that you brush over you brows to settle them down and keep them in place all day long. The brush looks like a mascara wand although it is a lot softer and glides on easily. At first your eyebrows do feel a little bit wet but they dry so quickly you soon forget about it.

Prestige makeup is really so amazing and something that everyone should give a go. Check out Prestige Cosmetics website and see all the other great products they have.

RRP: My Brow Pen $13.95, My Ultimate Brow Definer Pencil $13.95, My Brow Duo Illuminating Jumbo Pencil $15.95, My Brow Mascara $12.95. All products are available from Priceline stores.

*Tweezerman image courtesy of

*These products were sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration. Please see our disclaimer.

What’s In Our Makeup Case – Artiste Brushes

So we told you about our favourite moisturiser and foundation but… do you get them on your face?

There are many ways to apply; sponges, fingers (agh) and brushes. Our choice? Brushes. There are heaps on the market, some good, some not so good, but we have found that the Artiste brushes, by Manicare, work perfectly and you don’t need to live on 2 minute noodles to buy them.

Start with the Foundation Brush #6,. Its made with synthetic nylon bristles and provides a concentrated application without absorbing the product. Apply your moisturiser first and leave for 5 -10 minutes to absorb, then the foundation (liquid or cream). Blend it evenly over your face, don’t forget your jaw line and a little down your neck. It should create a smooth and even finish

Next Stippling Brush #17. Made with compact flat goat and nylon bristles its perfect for bronzers, loose powder foundations or just to finish off with an airbrushed look. Work in circles all over the face and blend down the neck.

If you mix two different foundations to get your colour, use the lighter one first (with Brush #6) then the darker one (with Brush #17). With #6 apply small amounts of the darker shade to your chin, cheeks, forehead and nose use #17 and circle all over your face to blend the 2 together.

What do you use to apply foundation?

RRP: Foundation Brush $27.95 and Stipple Brush $17.95. Available at Priceline, Myer, Target, K-Mart, Big W and leading pharmacies.

Check out Artiste brushes at Manicare.

*Images courtesy of