Our Wishes Came True!

It is nearly the end of the year! Again! This means we are all getting older but first we get to have Christmas. Yeah! Lots of eating, family, eating, presents, eating, drinking, eating, friends…. Anyway, we thought a little bit of an update was in order.

We wrote about what was happening for us in 2012 here. So…..how much has been crossed off that list? ALL OF IT! Ha yeah! pat yourself on the back Makeup Case.

This is what’s been going down in the world of The Makeup Case

  • Amy had her second baby. Her name is Evelyn (Evie) May and she was born in May.
  • Amy managed to sell her unit, after what felt like hundreds of open houses and 3 offers falling through, we managed to seal the deal and moved to greener pastures just down the road.
  • Bec’s holiday dream has come true, she went to Mexico and New York! There may be some other news she has to share but I will let her tell you.
  • Actually I’m not sure if Bec got theĀ Tokidoki Barbie for her birthday but its coming around again, so if not there is always this birthday.
  • As you can see we continued blogging, we had our first birthday in July. We have done lots of makeup, tried and tested lots of products and been to a few events. It has been a good year.
Stay tuned for all our adventured coming in 2013.

Happy 1st Birthday to Us!

It is 1 year ago today that The Makeup Case was born! Woo hoo!

What’s that I hear you say, ‘you should celebrate and congratulate yourselves on a great year’ Thanks, we will. We shall indulge in some delicious birthday treats and perhaps a glass of bubbles or two.

We would like to thank all our fabulous readers, we would be nothing without you and we appreciate your support. Stay tuned because there are some big changes coming for The Makeup Case in their second big year.

Love and Kisses

Amy and Bec

Beauty bargains @ Myer

We love a good bargain and a freebie or two so were very excited when we found this Myer My Favourite Things, beauty essentials book. There are heaps of bonus offers, gift with purchase and great bargains, can you say buy one Essie winter collection and get 50% off anything in the Essie range! Check out some of the catalogue below or go to Myer to see all the goodness! Sale ends 3 June 2012, so be quick!

Did you know…we are on Instagram?

If you’ve got an iPhone….you have to get Instagram. Its a photo sharing app that lets you take photos and add filters and blurrs then share them with your family and friends. Best of all it is FREE! And now available for Android phones as well. Just go to the app store and search Instagram.

Check us out, our username is themakeupcaseĀ 

Here is some of what you may have missed.

Warning: Instagram may become a little bit addictive, use it at your own risk. I know we have spent (wasted) many hours trolling through the thousands and thousands of photos on there. We love it!!!!!!

Sneak Peak…

Ā Coming soon….Some amazing goodies from our friends at Bellabox

Love and lollies, Amy and Bec xx


A Sincere Apology! And A Massage Please..

We know, we know, we know! It sure has been a long time between reviews and we are very sorry! In fact we are so very sorry that weĀ hand-pickedĀ these pretty flowers just for you as an apology..

We hope you accept our apology and we promise we are going to try our hardest to be better. I know it must seem like we have been pretty slack but we have actually been very busy little bees.

Amy is still very much pregnant and in need of a good pregnancy massage, if you know anyone give us a holla. She will love you forever (that’s not to say that we don’t love you all already because, we really do). I, on the other hand would love a massage myselfĀ whichĀ is probably why I have booked myself in for a very relaxing Hot Stone Massage at Inspa Wellness Retreat in good ole Sans Souci. The total massage goes for 1hr and 30min and I just know I am going to be in heaven the whole time, I mean come on, as if I wont be, right? I will be reporting more on this one later.

We have been trialing and testing lots of great and amazing products, seriously guys, we have a backlog so be prepared for lots more reviews coming your way. We only wish that sometimes there could be more hours in the day! And another thing I am loving right now…baking! I know that it is not very beauty related but they look beautiful at the end and they taste yummy, so a recipe or two might sneak its way onto our blog (maybe tomorrow?).


Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 Day 27 – 31

The January Photo a day challenge is almost over, but do not panic. If you really enjoyed the challenge and are hoping for something to keep your mind off work, home and all that boring stuff, well Fat Mum Slim has come to the rescue, again! Ā She has come up with a February photo challenge. Head over to her website to check it out. We will be taking part so you will see all our updates here, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (the Makeup Case)

Day 27. Lunch. Eating Maccas watching The BIggest Loser encore.

Day 28. Light. Sunrise at Cronulla.

Day 29. Inside your fridge. Its always full but nothing to eat.

Day 30. Nature. Flowers.

Day 31. Us, again.

wordpress visitors

Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 Day 17 – 21

Day 17. Water. Stand up paddle action shot.

Day 18. Something you bought. Its hot baby!

Day 19. Sweet. Yum yum.

Day 20. Someone you Love. My babies

Day 21. Reflection. Thanks Look To Sea for such a cool photo.



Don’t forget to check out Fat Mum Slim for all the details and more challenges.

Photo a Day Chalenge January 2012 – Day 13 to 16

Day 13. Ā In my bag. There’s heaps more in there. I should really clean it out.

Day 14. Something you’re reading. Just picked this up from Vinnies for $2. I never know what to read.

Day 15. Happiness

Day 16. Morning. The train station platform we see every morning on the way to work.


Check out more at Fat Mum Slim

Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 – Day 10 to 12

Day 10. Childhood. We used to love these and still do.


Day 11. Where I sleep. A very messy but comfy bed.


Day 12. Close up


Day 12 (again) Just one more close up photo. I like it even though its a bit dying.