Welcome to 2012

Today is one half of The Makeup Case’s birthday. Happy Birthday Bec! The other half? Amy’s birthday was on January 1st. So that is us all done with birthdays for the year, I guess that means we will concentrate on other stuff for the rest of the year.

What is happening in the world of Amy and Bec and The Makeup Case in 2012? There are a few big things but mostly just plodding along going to work, paying bills and cooking dinner and cleaning. Also all the good and fun stuff (life isn’t that boring).

  • Amy will be having her second baby in May! Another little girl so now there will be 2 little ladies for us to try hairstyles, makeup and dress up like we used to do to Barbie (perhaps in a few years).
  • As a result of the new baby, Amy also has their unit up for sale with the hope of buying a house with a yard and another bedroom, (fingers crossed).
  • Speaking of Barbies what Bec would totally love for her birthday is the limited edition Tokidoki Barbie Doll, complete with pink hair, tatts and a cute dog. Check it out.
  • This year Bec is hoping to go on a beautiful holiday with her bf, not sure of the destination as yet but is hoping for something tropical!

As well as these big things we are also going to continue on with this blog. We have really enjoyed the past 6 month that we have been up and running. In 2012 we hope to attend even more events, test more products and do more makeup than we did last year, and of course we will let you know about it. Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see on The Makeup Case in 2012 and we will do our best to deliver.

We would like to thank all of you out there that read our blog and support us on Facebook and Twitter and for making us feel so welcome in the magical world of blogging.

So stay tuned and we will see you soon!

Amy and Bec


Photo A Day Challenge Day 2 -5

Day 2 – Breakfast = Nespresso

Day 3 – Something You Adore. My Gyvie had a spill and no spare clothes.

Day 4 – Letterbox

Day 5 – Something You Wore – A bow in my hair

Follow #janphotoaday on instagram.

Don’t Forget Your Uberkate

Just a quick reminder about our fabulous Uberkate giveaway. There is still plenty of time to enter and is there a better gift you could spoil yourself with this Christmas? Click the link below and leave a comment to enter, so simple!

Uberkate Love Lines Giveaway

This week we….

It’s been a busy few weeks here at The Makeup Case. We have learn’t somethings we used to be scared of…Fishtail Braids. I am loving them now, and can do them so quicky, maybe even with my eyes closed! We also treated our skin to some beautiful products from Lush, our bathrooms love them as well beause it makes them smell delicious! I also made some sweet vodka soaked cherries, stay tuned for the recipe. I know it is not exactly beauty related but they look beautiful and taste amazing.

The Makeup Case is also running our very first giveaway, a beautiful pendent from Uberkate! Competition closes on December 2nd 2011 so still plenty of time to spread the word and get those entires in. We have some amazing comments on the giveaway post and we can not wait to let you guys know who the lucky winner will be.

And, just incase you are wondering what I am doing on this lovely summer day (and I just know that you want to) I am having fun crawling through mud and running from cows! No seriously, I am..check it out.

Hope you are all have a great weekend.

Love and Lollies,

Amy and Bec


An Apology..

The makeup Case would like to apologize for not posting as much this week. We do promise though, that there are a lot of amazing things coming your way soon. So as those annoying people say ‘watch this space’.

This week we have added some new photo’s to our facebook page. And, speaking of all things facebook, we are still running our competition which will commence when we reach ‘100 likes’, almost there, we are offering a makeup package to the lucky winner. We would love it if you could spread the word around to your friends.

If you did catch some of our posts this week you might have read about new local designer Hayley Leek! Hayley designs and makes unique and lovely hair pieces ‘with love’. Or you might have learnt a few secrets from our makeup idol Rae Morris? We hope that you are liking The Makeup Case so far, and if you would love to see us review something in particular, please let us know.

We hope you are all having an amazing weekend!

Love and flowers,

Bec and Amy


Feedback and an amazing Makeup Case competition!!

Hello fellow beauties,

We have been writing this lovely blog for a few months now and would love to know what you think of it. What you would love to see more of, less of and any recommendations that would improve The Makeup Case. Just leave us a comment at the end of this post or you could give us a holla at our email address, themakeupcase@hotmail.com

On another note, if you already haven’t, we would love you to ‘like’ our Facebook page. Shortly we will be running our first ever competition, a makeup and hair package for yourself and a few of your besties. You have to be a Facebook fan to be in the running.*

Love and glitter,

Amy and Bec


*competition open to Sydney residents only. Sorry peeps.

Did you know…

The Makeup Case’s favourite hairdresser, Jo Hampson, is featured in the latest edition of Cosmopolitan Bride magazine, on sale now. Its a magazine packed full of great stuff  about fashion, makeup, hair, venues, honeymoons, decorations and heaps more for women who want to look gorgeous on their wedding day. Cosmo Bride was launched in Australia in 2002 and is published 3 time a year (February, May and October)

This great up do was a big hit and would suit lots of different occasions (bottom right)

Jo has also just started up her own mobile business Jo Jo’s Mobile Hair Studio. She will come to you and cut, colour or style your hair all in the comfort of your own home. Why not contact her to book a time jo.hampson@hotmail.com



* Image courtesy of Cosmo Bride

This week at The Makeup Case.

We have had an exciting week at The Makeup Case, trying out new products, attending launches (more on this later) and interviewing some talented people. One of those talented people was a fashionista by the name of Elise Phillips, if you didn’t get a chance to read her wise words you can check it out HERE.

We have added some new photo’s to our portfolio section and also to our facebook page. Speaking of facebook, we are still running our competition which will commence when we reach ‘100 likes’, there is a makeup package on offer to the lucky winner. We would love it if you could spread the word around to your friends, family or even some strangers, we aren’t fussy and let them know about our lovely site. We may even buy you a cocktail for all your hard work in spreading the love*.

We have another jam packed week coming up so stay tuned. We would love to know what you all think of our site; if there are any products you would like to see reviewed, what you want more of, or less of (we hope not), or if you just want to give us a holla, please email us at themakeupcase@hotmail.com

*We cannot guarantee this, we can however guarantee you our never ending friendship and maybe some bananas. You never know though, if you see us out one night we may be inclined to throw in some strawberries and a sip of our cocktail if you are really lucky.  

Fancy Dress / Special Effect Package

Are you going to a fancy dress party and need some killer makeup to win the prize?!

The Makeup Case love getting creative and joining in on the fun, so why not give us a call!

We have been called upon on many an occasion for fancy dress makeup and love every minute of it. Some characters we have re created are;

The Joker, The Little Mermaid, The roaring 20’s, the swinging 60’s, cats, Disney princesses, Middle Eastern, Wicked, Pirates, hillbilly’s, evil stepmother from Snow White, Michael Jackson and so many more.

Fancy Dress and Special Effects makeup*           $90.00

Fancy Dress Makeup and Wig attachment*    $100.00

10% discount available to groups of 5 or more people. 

Please email a photo or a description of the character you would like to be made up as to themakeupcase@hotmail.com

We all love some updates!

Hello lovely readers,

The Makeup Case has had a few site updates this week!

Have a look under our portfolio tab for some new photo’s and testimonials. We also have a new Fancy Dress and SPFX package available.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and hopefully a bit of a sleep in.

Love, peace and chocolate cake.

Amy and Bec
