3 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Hi My name is Ally and i live in New Jersey, USA, i have been looking everywhere for babylips glow by maybeline. I was wondering where you guys are from and where you think i can buy the glow. I want it to so bad! thanks!


    • Hey Ally!
      Thank you so much for reading our blog and for taking the time to leave a comment. We are from Sydney Australia. I have had a look on google trying to find places that stock it in New Jersey, and not much luck. I did find on online store that stocks it, the link is below.
      We hope this information is helpful.
      Lots of luv,
      Amy and Bec

    • Hi Ally, we are in Sydney Australia. I got my Baby lips from Priceline, not sure if you have it in USA. Maybe try drug stores or online. I have done a quick search and I’m not sure if it is available in USA cause I can’t find anything. Good luck and thanks for reading. Amy and Bec xxx

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