Blend, blend, blend…..

Catching the train again after such a long break can be painful, but a must cause I need to go back to work. It doesnt help seeing all the other people looking fresh and ready when I need a second coffee just to make the train ride! But some things will never change. We have said it before, and we will say it again BLEND people!!!

The ladies may look good from the front, but turn a little to the side and there it is. That unblended foundation line along the jaw. Aahhh! It’s like a car accident, I just can’t look away! Ha.

Below is a bit of an exaggerated version of what I am talking about, but you get the idea.

We wrote about how much this line annoys us here  and the tools we use, so this doesnt happen here but basically apply your foundation then with a stippling brush or sponge, work the foundation down your neck and under your chin. Also don’t forget to soften the edges around your ears!  You should end up with smooth base that just blends in to match your skin colour. No lines!

End rant. Thanks for listening. Pass this on to anyone you think may benefit. hehehe!

*image courtesy Julia Kingsley. Check out her blog, lots of good makeup stuff there