A Bella Of A Box

Did you see our sneak peek the other day? If you did then you must know that The Makeup Case were lucky enough to trial the new March Bare Faced Beauty goodies from Bellabox.

In case you don’t know what the amazing Bellabox is all about we will give you a quick run down. If you love trying out new products (you know how much we love to do that) then Bellabox is the perfect thing for you. The lovely ladies at Bellabox will put together a beautiful curated box full of 5 new luxury products each month for you to try. It is such  a great idea for anyone who easily gets bored with the usual day-to-day skin and makeup routine, the best part..it all arrives at your front door step once a month. No hassell of being bombarded by pesty shop assistants…plus ++!

This is what we were lucky enough to try out.

U Little Beauty, natural repair hair masqueA beautiful hair repair treatment that smells divine! If your hair is suffering from that dryness that comes hand in hand with the changing weather then this is the perfect product for you, U Little Beauty will nourish your hair and make it feel brand new! Ah-mazing! It is also so easy to use, clean your hair, apply the serum and let it penetrate the hair for about 15 min, then rinse off. Walla. Easy. RRP: $19.95 for 100mls, available from David Jones, Priceline and Terry White Chemists.

Yes To Carrots, C me blush lip tint – I have loved this brand for a long time and I was so excited to see that this month Bellabox included the famous Yes To Carrots Lip Tint, and in my fave colour – C Me Blush. What is so awesome about all of this brands products and especially the lip tints is that they are all 95% organic, containing a blend of fruits and veggies. Hey, why should your insides get all that good stuff? Now your lips and face can join in on the fun. RRP: $9.95 for 2.6 gms, available from David Jones and Priceline.

Pure Fiji Coconut Hydrating Body Lotion – The first thing I noticed about this product was the amazing smell, it takes you back to lying on a tropical beach somewhere soaking up the hot sun. No wonder this lotion smells so delicious. Pure Fiji Coconut Hydrating Lotion contains a blend of coconut milk and exotic nuts, each working together to hydrate the skin making it feel soft and fresh. I love applying the lotion after you get out of a hot shower, the smell really feels up the whole bathroom and makes your worries drift away and think of holidays. RRP: $29.95 for 100mls.

Bellamer Eye Balm – Oh Bellamer Botanical Skin Care, these guys are so amazing! All their products are natural and 100% plant derived, combined they promote the skins own ability to heal and make it smooth and fresh. Now that’s what we like to hear, all natural products that wont harm our skin and make us look great! I have only used this eye balm a couple of times so far and it seems to be working. The thing about this product is that it does leave a slight amount of excess, that is easily fix though with a quick wipe.  I recommend using the eye cream twice a day to get maximum benefits and fight away those wrinkles. RRP: $40 for 15gms.

Check out the amazing plans available from Bellabox here.

* These products were sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – please view our disclosure policy.