5 Questions With…Ben Webb.

Ben Webb is a Freelance Makeup Artist and all round styler. A country boy at heart who has lived in London and now resides in Sydney. Ben has also worked as a Makeup Artist for M.A.C, Rosemount Fashion Week and various fashion and film shoots around Australia. We sat down with Ben and asked him a few Makeup questions as part of our new Makeup Case section “5 questions with..”

How long have you been working as a Makeup Artist? 

I have been an artist for over 8 years now and still love it everyday.

What made you want to become a Makeup Artist and who inspires you as an artist? 

I actually fell into this career by mistake, i dabbled in fashion and styling for sometime and picked up artistry to further my styling.

Who is the best person you have ever done makeup for? 

The late Isabella Blow while i was working in london. She was a magazine editor, international style icon and founded Alexander McQueen.

What is the makeup product you can’t live without?

Mac Fix + spray. Sets your makeup perfectly and is super hydrating.

What is the number one tip you can give someone about putting on makeup?

Closing one eye at a time to apply mascara, you get the top and bottom lash at the same time.

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