Happy 1st Birthday to Us!

It is 1 year ago today that The Makeup Case was born! Woo hoo!

What’s that I hear you say, ‘you should celebrate and congratulate yourselves on a great year’ Thanks, we will. We shall indulge in some delicious birthday treats and perhaps a glass of bubbles or two.

We would like to thank all our fabulous readers, we would be nothing without you and we appreciate your support. Stay tuned because there are some big changes coming for The Makeup Case in their second big year.

Love and Kisses

Amy and Bec

Welcome to 2012

Today is one half of The Makeup Case’s birthday. Happy Birthday Bec! The other half? Amy’s birthday was on January 1st. So that is us all done with birthdays for the year, I guess that means we will concentrate on other stuff for the rest of the year.

What is happening in the world of Amy and Bec and The Makeup Case in 2012? There are a few big things but mostly just plodding along going to work, paying bills and cooking dinner and cleaning. Also all the good and fun stuff (life isn’t that boring).

  • Amy will be having her second baby in May! Another little girl so now there will be 2 little ladies for us to try hairstyles, makeup and dress up like we used to do to Barbie (perhaps in a few years).
  • As a result of the new baby, Amy also has their unit up for sale with the hope of buying a house with a yard and another bedroom, (fingers crossed).
  • Speaking of Barbies what Bec would totally love for her birthday is the limited edition Tokidoki Barbie Doll, complete with pink hair, tatts and a cute dog. Check it out.
  • This year Bec is hoping to go on a beautiful holiday with her bf, not sure of the destination as yet but is hoping for something tropical!

As well as these big things we are also going to continue on with this blog. We have really enjoyed the past 6 month that we have been up and running. In 2012 we hope to attend even more events, test more products and do more makeup than we did last year, and of course we will let you know about it. Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see on The Makeup Case in 2012 and we will do our best to deliver.

We would like to thank all of you out there that read our blog and support us on Facebook and Twitter and for making us feel so welcome in the magical world of blogging.

So stay tuned and we will see you soon!

Amy and Bec
