We wish for….a totally awesome makeup case!

We both use, and have always used, just a standard boring makeup case (I think I even got mine at Bunnings) Don’t get us wrong, they do their job and they do it well, but…..

Secretly we have been wishing for a totally awesome case with lights and wheels and all that stuff. A bit like these ones.

I don’t know if you can see it, but this one is pink alligator skin, my favourite!

We would settle for a black one though.

There is no real reason that we haven’t got one of these yet but they are harder to find in Australia. These ones were from Coco Martinelli there is heaps of makeup brushes, cases, makeup, jewellery cases and lots more. It is an American based website but I think they ship to Australia.

How To….Clean your makeup brushes

We get asked this everytime we have a job. It is a very important part of maintaining your brushes and most of all, it will keep your makeup looking how you want it too. Clean your makeup brushes people!

At makeup school we were taught to clean our brushes after every person, do you know how many nasty things you can pass on from person to person? When your doing face after face the best way to clean them is to use a brush cleaner that has alcohol in it. This will remove almost all the product but more importantly it will kill any bugs that you may have come across.

So your brushes (depending how many times you use them) should be cleaned at least once a week. We clean our brushes properly after each job to keep them in tip top condition and so we don’t pass on any yuckies to anyone else. How do you do it? I hear you ask.

I found this new way to clean brushes. We have always used shampoo and brush cleaner, but this method, I find, also works a treat. I found it on You Tube and its by Makeup Geek. This  is an awesome site for all your how-to’s, tips and trick and products.

So make sure you keep your brushes healthy and hygienic, your makeup and your face will love you for it!

*video courtesy You Tube and Makeup Geek TV