Style your look with Batiste Cherry and WIN

Look what we styled!

For your chance to win a $1,000.00 wardrobe from Market HQ, head to the Batiste Australia Facebook page and style your own look.

Its super fun and a great way to show off your inner fashionista. I know we can defiantly do with a wardrobe update right about now. We decided to go with black and red for our color scheme as it goes with the cherry back ground we picked. This winter I am loving hats, bowler hats, fedora hats, you name it and I want to wear it.


You must know by now that The Makeup Case is a HUGE fan of Batiste. Whenever there is a new style design or fragrance we are the first ones to get in line and buy one.

At the moment we are loving the new Cherry fragrance and design, it is so stylish and retro. I always have a Batiste in my handbag and with this new design I cant stop looking in my bag! I just love the color of the can and the fragrance…oh the fragrance…its divine!! All the time I spray some on my locks I think of baking a cherry pie or eating a cherry ripe ( probably not so good with my upcoming nuptials in a few months).

Check out our previous post on Batiste HERE.






* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – Please see our disclosure policy.