Merry Christmas!!!

Just wanted to say a quick Merry Christmas to all our readers!

We hope you are all having a great day and have all been really spoilt. We look forward to another exciting year of reviewing products and letting you know what we think.

Thanks beauties for all your support over the last year. The Makeup Case would not be here without you all.

Much love and happiness,

Amy and Bec


Any Unwanted Christmas Presents?

Did you get 2 of the same thing or something you already have? Maybe you were given something you really didn’t like or was a little bit “old” for you. Well…..I have found the perfect solution, re gifting, but with a difference.

How many people just put an unwanted present in the ‘present drawer’ with the intention of giving it to someone special on their next birthday/Christmas/anniversary, but never end up giving it? I know I do. So instead of having these gifts laying around taking up valuable makeup space why not have a present swap party!

Like how you get together with your girlfriends and swap clothes that you no longer wear or want, this is the same idea. The rules are simple;

  • Invite a bunch of people around to your place.
  • Ask them to all bring an unwanted Christmas gift to a certain value, and make sure it is wrapped up.
  • Give everyone a number – 1 to how ever many people are there.
  • Person #1 gets to select a gift and unwraps it.
  • Person #2 then gets to either pick the unwrapped (#1) gift or select another wrapped gift.
  • Continue on with each new person either selecting an unwrapped  gift or a wrapped gift.
  • Once you get to the end of the numbers, start again with anyone who does not have a gift and continue until all gifts are unwrapped.

The rules are just guides, you can add whatever you like or even just simplify it even more. Its up to you, it is your shindig!

Its a good excuse to get together with some friends and have a few drinks and nibbles. And you may just get something you love!

Thanks to Brian Worley for the idea

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Dear Santa…

As you know I have been fairly good this year, I even kept my New Years promise and went on a diet that lasted a whole week! I know, I know, it has not been all good but, for the most part I would say I have been an angel. And because of this, I don’t know, I thought I might be able to get some kind of little reward? What do you say? I promise I will love you forever if you put this under my Christmas tree this year.

So you want to know what it is? Okay, I will tell you…it’s the Michael Kors for Estee Lauder set in Pewter! I have included a picture for you just in case you need some help in finding it for me….

What do you think? Pretty rad huh. So can I pretty pretty please have this, I promise I will be good all year. If you need some help finding this amazing gift pack for me  you can point your little elves over to any Myers or David Jones store and they can pick it up for the reasonable price of $125.00, not bad for all the amazing things you get in it.

Not only do you get the gorgeous pewter coloured Michael Kors clutch, you also get a lipstick, lip gloss, eyeliner, powder brush and eye and cheek lip palette. I can not wait to try these products out and they are all made by Estee Lauder so you just know they will be good. How great would all these colours be for that amazing New Years Eve party and the endless summer party season ahead..

*Image courtesy of