Philips VisaPure Cleansing Brush Review and Giveaway

I love my skin looking good so I was really excited to try the Philips VisaPure.

I was impressed from the moment I opened the box. It is a really streamlined design, and easy to hold, it is also waterproof. So I can use it in the shower in the morning, which saves me time.

You can use it with your favourite cleanser and it vibrates and rotates so it removes makeup and dirt and clears away dead skin cells. The movement gives a massaging effect that improves circulation to bring out your skins natural radiance.











I get acne and pimples along my jawline. I hate it! I have been told to exfoliate to help clear it up, trouble is, exfoliating can make the rest of my face dry and sensitive. So I don’t do it as often as I should. The VisaPure sure did the trick. After a few days of using it, my skin was clearing up nicely. Thank you very much. While your cleansing, the brush pauses for a second, this means that you need to move to the next section. Pretty cool huh?!

“An added benefit of Philips’ VisaPure technology is that it prepares the skin for other skincare products and treatments women may use, enhancing absorption of the beneficial ingredients,” says Tom Paltridge of Philips

It’s true, my moisturiser seems to sink in better, leaving my skin feeling more hydrated all day.











Now, for the good bit. We have 1 Philips VisaPure Facial Cleansing Brush to give away.

For your chance to win, tell us in 25 words or less; what is the best gift you have ever received. Leave your comments below.

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Giveaway opens 9am Monday 25th November and closes 6pm Friday 6th December. (Sydney time) Open to Australia only. Winner will be drawn at random and published on the blog 9th December 2013. Winner will be notified by email and has 48 hours to respond. If no response, another winner will be drawn.

Philips VisaPure has a RRP of $199 and is available at selected retailers and The Shaver Shop.






*these products were provided to The Makeup Case of editorial consideration. Please see our Disclosure Policy.



Bad Easter Skin, Be Gone!

Since Easter my skin has been going insane! I have come to the conclusion that it must be all the Easter eggs and hot cross buns that I have consumed over the last month. My poor body is crying out for a little TLC and the last few days that is exactly what it has got.

Along with my usual Clinique cleanser, every couple of days I have been mixing it up and using Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub (I am such a rebel I know). The scrub contains Salicylic Acid, an essential ingredient to get rid of all that disgusting dirt, black heads and oil from your skin. I noticed a difference in my skin after the first time I used the scrub, my skin felt more radiant and healthy so much so that even boyfriend commented (that doesn’t happen everyday). And as an added bonus, Unclogging Scrub is oil free.

I like to use the scrub on dry skin, I find that by doing this the cleanser does not drip off my face with the water. I apply the size of a 20c coin and let it soak in for about a minute then rinse off in warm water. I then apply my usual toner and moisturizer, and walla, nice fresh skin.

We have loved Biore products for ages, you may remember our love for their Deep Cleansing Pore Strips, Check out all their other amazing products on their website.

RRP: $10.99 available from Priceline and chemists.

* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – please see our Disclosure Policy.