Simple Pop Colour Eyes

Now at The Makeup Case we love colours and being the hot trend right now, pop colour, I thought I would try a little colour on my eyes. A lot of the time I wear a coloured top so I try to keep my eye makeup simple and natural, but when you wear black you have no excuse and should go wild! I dug through my kit and found my colours, I chose a MAC satin eyeshadow; Electric Eel. Whenever I think of blue eyeshadow, I immediatly think 80’s but this is different. I promise.

  • Start with your normal eye base or primer, try to use something close to your skin colour so you don’t change the eyeshadow too much, maybe try concealer.
  • Using a medium firm-ish brush, pat the eyeshadow all over your eyelid, then blend it with a softer brush.
  • I used a really small amount of a dark grey just in the outer corner to give my eyes a bit of depth.
  • I finished with a bit of white shimmer on the inner corner, close your eye when you apply the shimmer then it will go where you want it and you don’t get it in your eyes.
  • Finish off with a black eyeliner on top and bottom and your favourite mascara. I also blended the Electric Eel half way along the bottom eye line, just for a little bit more colour.

You could do this look with any colour you want, purple, green, yellow, gold, pink, orange, its up to you! Why not try it next time you step out in your little black dress. Best of all it is so quick and easy!

Sunlight… SLA

When we went to the bloggers event recently at SLA (Serge Louis Alvarez) we were treated to a sneak peak of the latest fashion collection – Sunlight. Its strong bright colours made me feel like spring was just moments away and guess who got to be the model?

The colours here do not do the collection justice, the colours are much more vibrant and strong. Colours that I would not usually wear but I was some how drawn to the hot orange. You’ll just have to drop in and check it out for yourself.

Head makeup artist, Hannah, put her spin on the collection and gave us a few great tips and tricks along the way.

My favourite, well I love all of them but i thought that this one was worth a mention, the Pre Makeup Base. Its light and non oily and it moisturises and prepares your skin for makeup that will last the day. So that is all good stuff but the awesome bit is it has gold pigments of pearl in it so it gives your skin and amazing glow. You can use it all over or as a highlight on the parts the sun falls on.

And the finished product! I have never received so many compliments about how good my skin looked and of course Hannahs fantastic work. I was walking on  air….or sunlight!

So why not visit the awesome girls at SLA Balmain or check it out online

Head to our Facebook page for more pics of SLA fantastic products and our day at the SLA Studio.