Hot Tip…At home Skin Treatment recipe!

Have you ever tried a home made skin care recipe? And succeed?? I have and I love it. It may sound funny at first but this simple little tip will save you pennies, time and will leave you with soft supple skin.  What is the secret I hear you yelling from the ratters? Well I am going to tell you…a good ole Avocado!

Now everyone knows Avocado’s are yummy (or are you one of those funny people that don’t like a good Avo? For shame), full vitamin B and A, and go well in a milkshake (so maybe I might have made that one up) but what Avocados are amazing for is your skin. There are traces of Avocado found in many skin care treatments from cleansers, masques, hair masques, body wraps you name it there is bound to have a bit of this beauty in there.

Now onto my hot tip. Have you ever eaten an Avo and then looked at the skin and thought “man there has got to be something I can do with this?” Well look no further because I have come up with the answer. You take those skins and rub the reminder of the amazing Avocado greenness onto your face! Okay so I know I may not be exactly selling this here and it kind of sounds a bit cave man like but it really does work and feels amazing.

Once you have applied it all over your face like a masque leave it on for 5-10 min or until you feel that it is has dried. Wash the excess off with warm water and a face washer and you are good to go. I usually wait a couple of minutes and then apply my night time moisturizer, after doing this your skin will feel brand new, hydrated and moisturized. The hardest part is trying not to eat it off your face!

Have you tried something like this at home?

RRP:  Around the $2.00 mark. It really doesn’t get any cheaper then this. You get a yummy Avocado to eat and a skin care treatment! Rad!

*Image courtesy of Wikipedia