Our Guilty Obession


We need to confess a not so hidden secret to our lovely readers.

The Makeup Case are OBSESSED, and that is putting it lightly with Byron Bay cookies! I am talking head over heels need to get a fix most days of the week obsessed.

They are just so ridiculously delicious, so chunky and so amazing that we can’t stop thinking about them. It all started when we each enjoyed a lovely Dotty cookiebefore an early morning makeup job. From there we needed one on every makeup job that we did, we crave them like a hipster craves tight jeans. And I have to admit, once we even had two in one day (a Dotty and a Triple Choc Fudge).

Trust us, as soon as you get your little mitts on the chunky bits you will never want to eat anything else. (haha, do you like my rhyme?).

As pictured below…


Available from Woolworth, Coles and David Jones Food Halls.





The time has come….finally!

We got tickets to The High Tea Party way back in March. It has been ages coming and so much has happened since then. There is lots of stuff going on now too, so this is the perfect break for a couple of busy girls and we are really, really looking forward to it. (i have been extra good this week so I don’t feel too bad when I devour all those delicious little sweet things)

You can read what we wrote previously here and check out all about it here and you may even be able to buy tickets still.

Stay tuned lovely readers, we will tell you all about it in a few days time over a glass of bubbles (or two)


Woopie, Woopie..Got To Love Betty Crocker

I mentioned in our previous post how we love baking. We know that it is not very makeup related but it sure is fun and most of the time it has a yummy result.

On one of our recent ventures to Woolworths we discovered Woopie Pie Mix, Amy said she wanted to try these for a while and when we noticed they were on sale (rad, we love a good bargin), we snapped up a couple of boxes. And the results were mouthwatering, I have to admit, I may have eaten more them my fair share.

So, here it goes, our first baking post! Firstly we got all our stuff together, you really dont need much at all.

Mix all the ingredients together – 1 egg, 1/3 cup water and 1/3 cup oil.

Place about 1tbsp on a baking tray and leave about 5cm between each drop. This is what they looked liked when they came out of the oven, mmmmm, they smelt delicious!

Next step is to whip up the cream (add the mixture to 1/4 cup of milk) and sprinkle over the 100’s and 1000’s.

The last step…EAT THEM ALLLL!!!

RRP: Around the $4.00 mark. Avaliable from all supermarkets.

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Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 Day 27 – 31

The January Photo a day challenge is almost over, but do not panic. If you really enjoyed the challenge and are hoping for something to keep your mind off work, home and all that boring stuff, well Fat Mum Slim has come to the rescue, again!  She has come up with a February photo challenge. Head over to her website to check it out. We will be taking part so you will see all our updates here, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (the Makeup Case)

Day 27. Lunch. Eating Maccas watching The BIggest Loser encore.

Day 28. Light. Sunrise at Cronulla.

Day 29. Inside your fridge. Its always full but nothing to eat.

Day 30. Nature. Flowers.

Day 31. Us, again.

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Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 Day 22 – 26

Day 22, your shoes. We both have the same ones from K Mart. Super comfy!

Day 23. Something old. Vintage cooking moulds from Vinnies of course.

Day 24. Guilty Pleasure. Makes us want to get and move but also makes us feel a little better about ourselves.

Day 25. Something I made. A delicious banana and mango smoothy.

Day 26. Colour. Pink.

We are getting very close to the end now, but there will be another challenge in February. Head over to Fat Mum Slim to check it out and why not also check out the results of the January challenge too.