A Sincere Apology! And A Massage Please..

We know, we know, we know! It sure has been a long time between reviews and we are very sorry! In fact we are so very sorry that we hand-picked these pretty flowers just for you as an apology..

We hope you accept our apology and we promise we are going to try our hardest to be better. I know it must seem like we have been pretty slack but we have actually been very busy little bees.

Amy is still very much pregnant and in need of a good pregnancy massage, if you know anyone give us a holla. She will love you forever (that’s not to say that we don’t love you all already because, we really do). I, on the other hand would love a massage myself which is probably why I have booked myself in for a very relaxing Hot Stone Massage at Inspa Wellness Retreat in good ole Sans Souci. The total massage goes for 1hr and 30min and I just know I am going to be in heaven the whole time, I mean come on, as if I wont be, right? I will be reporting more on this one later.

We have been trialing and testing lots of great and amazing products, seriously guys, we have a backlog so be prepared for lots more reviews coming your way. We only wish that sometimes there could be more hours in the day! And another thing I am loving right now…baking! I know that it is not very beauty related but they look beautiful at the end and they taste yummy, so a recipe or two might sneak its way onto our blog (maybe tomorrow?).
