Hot Tip…Big lips without the Collagen!

Do you have a small top lip like yours truly? Well I think I have the solution to all our woes, and it doesn’t involve a trip to the local botox administrator for a jab or two. It is a much cheaper and less painful option then surgery, and looks a million times better.  In fact you can achieve the big upper lip we all crave from three makeup products you probably already have in your makeup kit; a lip pencil, red lip gloss and a gold eye shadow or shimmer. Can you see where I am going with this? If not or even if you are a smarty pants you should keep reading and see how this at home miracle is preformed.

At first we need a before shot so you can all witness the small lip in question.

First step is to outline your lips with a lip pencil, to make them bigger you can outline just above your natural lip. I always fill in my lips with the lip liner as well, it helps your lips stick or gloss stay longer and you always have a bit of colour in case you do not get a chance to re apply.

Next step is to apply your favorite red lip gloss over the top. You might remember in a previous post I spoke about my fav Napoleon Perdis St John lip gloss, I am flaunting it below just in case you may have forgotten (Oh for shame).

Now for the all important step, the one that is going to make us look like Angelina (apologizes, I am not entirely sure if that is a good comparison, think of your most desired lip and that is what we shall base it on.) Pat your index finger into your gold eye shadow or shimmer pot so you get a good amount on your finger. Now dab it over your lip gloss in the middle of your upper lip, make sure you do not go all the way along your lip as it will not achieve the look we are after. The gold should blend into the lip gloss and reflex off the light, making your lip look fuller and extremely kissable.

This is a little trick we have picked up along the way and have since discovered it is used quiet a lot on the runway!

RRP: Napoleon Perdis St John Lip gloss $22. Available from Napoleon Perdis concept stores.