An oldy but a goodie..

Lately I have been wearing lots and lots of lipstick and lipgloss that my poor lips are in need of some attention. They are dry and rough at the same time and really need a good exfoliation to make them smooth and luscious again (okay, that might be taking it a bit far). I am sure you lipstick loving girls out there know what I am talking about, holla.

Then one night an amazing flash back come to me..I had the very thing I needed to make all this go away, and the product was sitting right in my bathroom draw. I don’t know how I could have forgotten about this little product, considering I see it everyday when I take out my toothpaste. The little miracle that I am ranting on about is Lush Lip Scrub in the sweet Bubblegum flavour.

Lush Lip Scrub is such a sweet product, I’m serious, sweet tooth beauties out there beware, you maybe inclined to eat it. Not only does it smell incredibly delicious it also contains organic jojoba oil and exfoliating castor sugar to erase all that rough skin, leaving your lips feeling soft, smooth and ready for more lipstick.

And it’s so easy, all you need to do is scrap a little scrub on your finger and rub it over your lips. When you are finished rinse it off with water, I also like to apply a lip balm after just to make my lips feel extra special.

HOT TIP: If you need a good exfoliator in a hurry and have no time to go to the shops, you can whip up one at home. All you need to do is mix a teaspoon of honey with some raw sugar and there you have it, a home-made lip exfoliator. This one is also good enough to eat!

RRP: $9.95 for Bubblegum, Sweet Lips or Mint Julips flavour. Available from all Lush stores.

*Image courtesy of