Monday Mani by Sportsgirl and Ulta3

I have had nude nails for a while. I picked off my last gel manicure and it has totally ruined my nails. They were horrible! It’s been a few months and they still aren’t great, but they are much better.
Miss 3 also loves nail polish (she calls it nalel poulish) she was given a scented on from Sportsgirl by a family friend (thanks Kate and Erin) and she can’t get enough of it. So that’s what we did. I also wanted to try out one of the new Ulta3 ones we were given. So with the 2 combined, this is what you get.

Ulta3 xoxo and Sportsgirl Jelly Bean

Jelly Bean scented when its dry



Please excuse my horrible nails and paint job!



Welcome to 2012

Today is one half of The Makeup Case’s birthday. Happy Birthday Bec! The other half? Amy’s birthday was on January 1st. So that is us all done with birthdays for the year, I guess that means we will concentrate on other stuff for the rest of the year.

What is happening in the world of Amy and Bec and The Makeup Case in 2012? There are a few big things but mostly just plodding along going to work, paying bills and cooking dinner and cleaning. Also all the good and fun stuff (life isn’t that boring).

  • Amy will be having her second baby in May! Another little girl so now there will be 2 little ladies for us to try hairstyles, makeup and dress up like we used to do to Barbie (perhaps in a few years).
  • As a result of the new baby, Amy also has their unit up for sale with the hope of buying a house with a yard and another bedroom, (fingers crossed).
  • Speaking of Barbies what Bec would totally love for her birthday is the limited edition Tokidoki Barbie Doll, complete with pink hair, tatts and a cute dog. Check it out.
  • This year Bec is hoping to go on a beautiful holiday with her bf, not sure of the destination as yet but is hoping for something tropical!

As well as these big things we are also going to continue on with this blog. We have really enjoyed the past 6 month that we have been up and running. In 2012 we hope to attend even more events, test more products and do more makeup than we did last year, and of course we will let you know about it. Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see on The Makeup Case in 2012 and we will do our best to deliver.

We would like to thank all of you out there that read our blog and support us on Facebook and Twitter and for making us feel so welcome in the magical world of blogging.

So stay tuned and we will see you soon!

Amy and Bec


5 Questions with…Kristy Ferrari.

The Makeup Case are lucky enough to have Kristy Ferrari, professional Makeup Artist and Body Painter as part of this months ‘5 Questions With…’ Kristy has been working as a professional makeup artist for the past 15 years, during this time she has built up an extensive CV working with many talented people. Kristy is also a qualified makeup teacher, teaching certificate IV in Makeup. Talk about busy!

How did you come about landing a career within the body painting industry?

After working as a Professional Freelance Makeup artist and teacher I came across an Artist who had been painting bodies for years here in Australia and over seas, I assisted him on a few jobs including working on a Body painting documentary and also became part of The Australian Body painting team. I was completely excited and inspired with this evolving art form and continued to Body paint from that moment on until now! I am still as passionate now about body art as I ever was.

You have created so many different characters with your body painting, where do you draw your inspiration from?

Inspiration can come from anywhere, nature, other artists, life, just one simple thought, idea or even a colour can start the wheel of creation and expression!

Having had the opportunity to work with a lot of different people from all walks of life, what person or campaign most stands out in your mind as a career highlight?

Wow I’ve had so many amazing and fun experiences with body art! Every job has a unique memory. Painting Grant Hacket, Kirien Perkins and Sam Reily for the Olympics was definitely exciting. One of my most treasured memories would be taking a bus load of makeup student to my home town ‘Trangie’ in the centre of new south Wales, a tiny country town to be a part of filming a body painting documentary,it was like our very own Pricilla Queen of the desert tour with a twist. The locals didn’t know what hit them but loved and embraced it, they still talk about it and so do we, actually it was so much fun were planning another trip possibly next February!

What character or theme would you most love to recreate through body painting?

Couldn’t possibly pick one!!!!! there are so many things I still have to paint and the idea’s will never end!

What advise would you give someone wanting to pursue a career in body painting?

If you have a passion for art , just never give up and never stop painting, being trained in makeup would help but is not necessary, I run weekend work shops and a 5 day Body painting course over summer this is all you need to get your self started!

Want more?!? You can check out Kristy details and view more of her amazing work on her website or Facebook page.

Who wants to know the ultimate makeup secrets? EVERYONE!

On our recent trip to IMATS not only did we see and experience some amazing products, I also had the opportunity to listen to my makeup artist idol, Rae Morris give a very detailed and informative talk on her career and the industry. Rae has worked with some talented people in her 15 years as a professional makeup artist, some of those people include, Miranda Kerr, Cate Blanchett, Jessica Biel, Pink and Hugh Jackman. Not to mention the countless advertising campaigns and editorial work, she has also been the Makeup Director for L’oreal Paris since 2003! Wow, such an amazing CV!

As makeup artists we try and find inspiration from all around us and sometimes through books (or makeup bibles). One of my makeup bibles just so happens to be written by my idol herself, Rae Morris and titled The Ultimate Guide. When I was a makeup student I used to flick through this book constantly, dreaming of one day creating such beautiful work as Rae. So you can imagine my delight when I was able to actually listen to her speak, I was like a fat kid at the corner shop, wanting all the information I could possible get within the one hour time limit.

Rae Morris: The Ultimate Guide is a 256 page teaching masterpiece, every page is full of great tips and techniques and step by step instructions on how to achieve great makeup both for personal and professional use.

In the book Rae goes into detail on creating the best makeup looks for your face shape, such a great piece of information! When you start working as a professional artist this is something that is just so important and something not all people out there understand. Different face shapes whether they be pear, oval, round or long have different features that can be both highlighted to stand out, or shaded to not stand out as much. This book tells you what those features actually are.

If you are a professional makeup artist or an avid makeup lover you should definitely have a good flick through this book. I guarantee you will learn something.

RRP: $39.95. Avaliable from all good bookstores.

* Image courtesy of

Our Adventure to IMATS!

We trekked into the city early Saturday morning and after a bit of parking debacle we managed to get our hands on a hot coffee and some delicious turkish toast. We were now ready to take on the magical world of IMATS. (International Makeup Artist Trade Show)

Where to start? We wandered around looking at all the great products on offer, checked the timetables for the stages and stopped to have a quick look at the progress of the artists in the makeup awards.

Rae Morris was on the main stage so we took up position and listened (and learned) eagerly to all she had to say. She spoke about her experiences on being a makeup artist, some tips on how to get started and be successful and most important, some makeup tips to make your eyes look bigger. She also just launched a great brush range designed to make your application quick and easy with only few stroke blending.

Next up, Mac presents Body Art Trilogy with Nicole Thompson, senior artist and leader of the MAC pro body art team. Wow! These were amazing! The team created 3 different looks all disappearing into the background, inspired by graffiti, PVC and layered illustration.

The day finished up with keynote speaker Napoleon Perdis, speaking about his range, experiences and of course, himself!

Ahhhhh a great day with so much makeup and we learned so many great tips. Thanks IMATS!

IMATS – September 24th and 25th 2011.

The International Makeup Artist Trade Show is coming to Sydney in September 2011. 

IMATS is the make-up world’s biggest gathering. There are shows in New York, LA, Toronto, London and Vancouver. On display are thousands of make-up artists, vendors and enthusiasts there to discuss, display and collect the best the industry has to offer. There are makeup pros, new products, education and demonstrations.

Some of the brands you’ll see are MAC, Napoleon Perdis, Serge Louis Alvarez, Inglot, Gorgeous Cosmetics, Naked Cosmetics Australia, Showface and heaps more.

The best thing about IMATS is that is open to the public. So get your comfy shoes on and head down to The Convention Centre in Darling Harbour and check out makeup heaven.

Visit IMATS for tickets and more information.

*Images courtesy of

5 Questions With…Ben Webb.

Ben Webb is a Freelance Makeup Artist and all round styler. A country boy at heart who has lived in London and now resides in Sydney. Ben has also worked as a Makeup Artist for M.A.C, Rosemount Fashion Week and various fashion and film shoots around Australia. We sat down with Ben and asked him a few Makeup questions as part of our new Makeup Case section “5 questions with..”

How long have you been working as a Makeup Artist? 

I have been an artist for over 8 years now and still love it everyday.

What made you want to become a Makeup Artist and who inspires you as an artist? 

I actually fell into this career by mistake, i dabbled in fashion and styling for sometime and picked up artistry to further my styling.

Who is the best person you have ever done makeup for? 

The late Isabella Blow while i was working in london. She was a magazine editor, international style icon and founded Alexander McQueen.

What is the makeup product you can’t live without?

Mac Fix + spray. Sets your makeup perfectly and is super hydrating.

What is the number one tip you can give someone about putting on makeup?

Closing one eye at a time to apply mascara, you get the top and bottom lash at the same time.

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Hoorah, we are up and running..

The Makeup Case:  Amy and Bec have been friends and Makeup Artists for over seven years. We both hail from Sydney and share a love with all things beautiful.  As Make Up Artist we are often asked for our thoughts on products, this blog is our way of sharing what we have tried and tested, what we love to hate and most of all what we can’t live without! We hope to try as many products as we can and share our thoughts with you.

Amy:  As a girl obsessed with Peanut M&M’s (especially the red ones) life has been pretty amazing! I have travelled all around Australia exploring the sites, with Sydney the place I call home.  I cannot get enough of the colour pink, which is a great because I now have my beautiful daughter Gyvie who shares my dream of a pink world.  I have an obsession with girly movies that happen to have Hilary Duff in them. I love getting out there and getting the most out of everyday.  I also play a mean air guitar so you know, don’t mess with me.

Bec: Loves my hometown of Sydney. Even though I have lived here my entire life I always get excited when I see the Harbour Bridge. I have a slight obsession with chocolate especially of the Smartie variety, I am a closet Ladette To Lady fan, Eels freak me the hell out, I believe there is nothing better then getting all dressed up for cocktails with the girls, I love online shopping like it’s my first born and at the moment have a not so secret love of Dumplings.

We hope you enjoy reading our blog as much as we do writing it.

Love Amy and Bec
