5 Questions with…Marikit by Kitty Choy

Recently we sat down with one of our favorite designers. We have shared her stuff with you in the past but thought you might like to get to know her a bit better and see more of her work.


What made you first start designing and making your knits?

It all started approx. 3 years ago – paying for my wedding was killing me so I was trying to save left, right and centre. I haven’t been knitting for ages and started knitting mohair blankets for my entire bridal party. I ended up knitting around 8 blankets as thank you gifts. They were so amazed and grateful that they suggested I try selling. I decided to pick my 10 year old needles back up and started creating my one of a kind knits

Where do you get your inspiration/ favorite designer?

I totally love Isabel Marant and anything that’s colorful! One of my close friends – Zoe Irvine from The Naked Tiger is another inspiration. My style is very casual/denim/bohemian when I’m outside my 50hr working week as an Executive Assistant

What is your favorite piece?

I love ALL my Marikit babies!! And I hate parting with every piece I finish, but my favorite has to be the red shaggy and my muscle tee. The colours are just amazing and you will definitely be a talking point when you wear either piece.

If you could design/make a knit to anyone (famous, dead, fictional etc) who would it be, what would it look like and why?

Oh god – that’s a scary question to answer and haven’t really thought about it…I just j’adore Nicole Ritchie so would totally love to make her something. It would totally be another red shaggy..it’ll suit her carefree ‘I-don’t-give-a-crap-but-know-I’m-totally-looking-lush’ attitude

Where can we find you/your work?

You can can find me on Facebook, Marikit by Kitty Choy,  and at various vintage markets around Sydney. Keep an eye out on my Facebook page for my next whereabouts.

Contact me via FB or email marikit_kitty@hotmail.com for enquiries.

How to stay Stylish, Fabulous and Warm this Winter.

Don’t you just love it when you stumble upon something new? That very thing happened to me just last week.

I have just discovered Marikit, the beautiful hand made knits designed by the equally stylish designer Kitty. And I have to tell you a secret…I think I am in love! I have fallen in-love with Marikits designs, not only are they such a stylish pieces of clothing they are also all hand made by Kitty.

Starting of selling her fabulous design at Sydney’s Surry Hills markets, Kitty now stocks her knits at Museum in Paddington and Bondi Junction, not to bad for a lady who said she had no idea about knitting and designing when she first started out.

“Believe me, my first knitting piece was the weirdest shape – I remember it was bright yellow and it was meant to be a rectangle, but it ended up being the shape of an omelette with holes through it as big as your thumb!!! I’m a stubborn chickie, and with mum giving me more encouragement – I continued…” and lucky for us,  she did!

Another thing I just love about Marikit is that Kitty does all her knitting from the heart, you know that every piece she knits is made with love and you can really see that come through in her designs. No surprise then that the first piece she knitted was for her first boyfriend (so cute);

“I remember my first garment – don’t laugh – it was for my first boyfriend when I was 16!!! I was so proud of myself – I slaved over it for so long, and when I gave it to him – he was just so impressed! That’s why i love knitting so much – knitting is such a loving gesture because you think about the person while you knit every stitch – and the person will always remember you when they see the knit you created”.

“Also when people meet me and see my style – from the outside, knitting is so not me….and that’s the other thing – it’s such a shock tactic when people realise I can make something from scratch….knitting is such a dying art nowadays. It also gives me freedom, like theres no wrong or right way – honestly, I don’t follow any patterns when I knit (I can hardly read one) – I just see something and then I just whip it up!!”

If you love Marikit as much as The Makeup Case does and and you want to be warm and stylish this winter you should check out Marikit Facebook page.

Marikit also custom makes their knits so if you are looking for something special and unique Kitty will design something amazing! And with all knits under $100, you will be a silly little Vegemite not to.

You can place an order for your own Marikit knit through the Facebook page or by emailing TheMakeupCase and we can pass your deets along.

PS: Do you want to hear something super cute? The name ‘Marikit’ came about because Kitty wanted to share Marikit with my husband (who’s Philipino) –  and the name is actually Filipino for ‘lovely/beautiful’ (awwwwwww).