No more waxing for me…

I hate waxing! Come to mention it, I dislike any form of hair removal that involves too much mess and too much time. I do like looking clean and hair free though, oh dear, its hard being a girl sometimes! A million moons ago I decided to laser my legs and ventured off to a reputable beauty therapist every 6 weeks for treatment. I never found it painful but I did find I had to make a massive effort to book my appointments and save all my money before I went. It was like an endless cycle of laser and no money between appointments because back then laser was so new and the price tag was hefty.

These days the price of laser has dropped a lot but my laziness to head to the salon has remained the same. It is like the guys over at Phillips knew how lazy I am about this stuff and sent us over the brand new Phillips Lumea Precision Plus to enjoy from the comfort of my very own home. It’s so great and I can even do this on my lounge while watching Big Brother, oh my, what a sad little secret.

The Lumea Precision uses an Intense Pulsed Light, the same that professional salons use to prevent hair growth. The device applies gentle pulses of light to the hair which produces heat that moves to the hair follicle. Once the heat hits the follicle it is stimulated into a resting phase, which means the hair sheds naturally and future growth is inhibited. The Lumea Precision has an integrated UV filter and advanced safety controls so we know we are really protecting our skin. There are also 5 control settings that let you choose the appropriate intensity for your skin type and hair colour, so you are not over doing it.

The Phillips Lumea Precision is the only at home IPL device that is extra safe to use on your face and also comes with a bigger attachment so you can treat both your legs in 15 minutes! Heck yes, I am all for simple, fast and easy beauty routines. When my pretty box arrived on my door step I could not wait to try it out and I knew exactly where I wanted to try it, legs (little bits of re-growth are starting to appear since I last had it done), underarms, maybe the appear lip. I also have plans to use this on the bf…hahaha…he doesnt know it yet.

Before you use your Precision you need to ensure that each area you would like to treat is clean-shaven and of course you have read all the instructions. It is worthwhile pointing out that the laser is not recommended for ladies (and gentleman) with white or blonde hair. This is because there needs to be some pigment in the hair follicle for the laser to work. Now, once you have done all this and charged the battery you are all good to go. I have to admit the first time I pressed the laser to my skin I was scared to pull the trigger, I didn’t want it to hurt! I screwed my eyes shut and said a little prayer while bf sat on the lounge yelling at me to “just do it, geez”. I did it, I pressed the button, and it wasnt bad at all. Not the slightest bit of pain, much better than waxing and definitely less messy.

The first time treating my legs took me a bit longer then 15 minutes, mainly because I was getting used to the device and how to use it. After about 10 minutes I was on a roll and didn’t want to put it down, thinking of everything I could laser. Thoughts of making last-minute decisions of going to the beach in summer and not having to worry about any unsightly growth made me happy and spurred me on. The device is really so easy to use, you place the attachment so it is flat on your skin, a green light flashes up saying it’s “ready”, you press the laser button and whoosh your off. You don’t even need to keep pressing the button, you can press it once and just glide it over your skin so the flashes of light are released as the Precision moves over your body. Plus! The only negative I had with the Precision was that I felt like I should have been wearing some sort of protective eye wear, you can purchase these if you want to, I just shut my eyes.

After I was done lasering I applied a small bit of moisturizer to the parts I treated. I didn’t experience any redness afterwards or any pain, it was like I just shaved. After treatments you need to wait 2 weeks until you can redo the process, during that time you should try not to do any form of hair removal so you can truly benefit from the product. It should take about 4 treatments to see maximum results but I noticed mine after the first time.

My hair took longer to grow back and when it did it was much finer and lighter. I am just about to do my fourth treatment and I cant believe I used to waste all that time and money on waxing. The Precison Lumea Plus is so easy and you really see the results. During one of my treatments I was staying at my mums and it was so compact, you simply place it in the protective bag and thow it in your suitcase (not literally thow of course). I am never going back to waxing again, I am 100% converted!

RRP: $1,299.95 and available from The Shaver shop nationally.

* This product was sent to The Makeup Case for editorial consideration – please see our disclosure policy.