Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 Day 17 – 21

Day 17. Water. Stand up paddle action shot.

Day 18. Something you bought. Its hot baby!

Day 19. Sweet. Yum yum.

Day 20. Someone you Love. My babies

Day 21. Reflection. Thanks Look To Sea for such a cool photo.



Don’t forget to check out Fat Mum Slim for all the details and more challenges.

Photo a Day Chalenge January 2012 – Day 13 to 16

Day 13.  In my bag. There’s heaps more in there. I should really clean it out.

Day 14. Something you’re reading. Just picked this up from Vinnies for $2. I never know what to read.

Day 15. Happiness

Day 16. Morning. The train station platform we see every morning on the way to work.


Check out more at Fat Mum Slim

Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 – Day 10 to 12

Day 10. Childhood. We used to love these and still do.


Day 11. Where I sleep. A very messy but comfy bed.


Day 12. Close up


Day 12 (again) Just one more close up photo. I like it even though its a bit dying.