Did you know…we are on Instagram?

If you’ve got an iPhone….you have to get Instagram. Its a photo sharing app that lets you take photos and add filters and blurrs then share them with your family and friends. Best of all it is FREE! And now available for Android phones as well. Just go to the app store and search Instagram.

Check us out, our username is themakeupcase 

Here is some of what you may have missed.

Warning: Instagram may become a little bit addictive, use it at your own risk. I know we have spent (wasted) many hours trolling through the thousands and thousands of photos on there. We love it!!!!!!

Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 Day 22 – 26

Day 22, your shoes. We both have the same ones from K Mart. Super comfy!

Day 23. Something old. Vintage cooking moulds from Vinnies of course.

Day 24. Guilty Pleasure. Makes us want to get and move but also makes us feel a little better about ourselves.

Day 25. Something I made. A delicious banana and mango smoothy.

Day 26. Colour. Pink.

We are getting very close to the end now, but there will be another challenge in February. Head over to Fat Mum Slim to check it out and why not also check out the results of the January challenge too.

Photo A Day Challenge Day 2 -5

Day 2 – Breakfast = Nespresso

Day 3 – Something You Adore. My Gyvie had a spill and no spare clothes.

Day 4 – Letterbox

Day 5 – Something You Wore – A bow in my hair

Follow #janphotoaday on instagram.

Updates, Updates, Updates!

Hello beautiful readers,

There have been a few updates to our portfolio and testimonial sections. Please check them out if you have a chance. There are a few exciting things on the way that we both can’t wait to share with you all. We would also love to know what you guys are thinking of the site and if there are any products or makeup tips you would like us to share..

Lots of Love and Peace,

Amy and Bec


*Image courtesy of MAC cosmetics