5 Questions with…Elise Phillips.

Elise is a Sydney blogger and fashionista with a passion for Nail polish. She writes two successful blogs that keep her busy, I am sure does not see much shut eye. The Makeup Case was lucky enough to steal some of this amazing ladies time and ask her a few questions about the art of nails.

You have been blogging for a while now, what do you enjoy most about it?

I love the great feedback I get via email, in comments and on twitter from readers. It still spins me out when I meet someone and they say they have read one or both of my blog – I write them for myself and to know that other people appreciate my words is a total gift.

What nail colors and trends should we expect to see coming into Spring?

I think the next IT colour will be blue. We’re moving away from purple now and into denim territory, so all sorts of shades of blue. Chanel usually has a hand in dictating the colour of the season, and their newest trio is Les Jeans de Chanel – three great blues. I also think, as much as people will hate it, we will see a lot of acid brights this spring/summer – electric lime, chartreuse and tangerine.

With over 550 polishes in your personal collection how do you decide what color to wear?

Because I’m always trying new polishes to review them, I usually go with whatever catches my eye that day. I change my polish A LOT, so I’ll paint to match my mood or my outfit. I have also been known, on more than one occasion, to try an entire collection in one go with a different colour on each finger. So fun!

What is your most favorite beauty product that you can’t live without right now?

That’s like asking me to choose between my unborn children (or my favourite polish, which are like children)! Right this very minute, my skin has been playing up recently and my new regime of md formulations cleansing gel, skin perfecting gel and antioxidant moisturiser has miraculously saved my skin. I’m also having a passionate affair with Benefit They’re Real mascara – sex-on-legs eyelashes.

Do you have any hints and tips for keeping our mani’s in perfect shape?

A picture is only as good as its frame – keep your cuticles looking healthy and your mani will look twice as good. Slap on lots of cuticle oil and moisturiser. You can also extend the life of your mani with an extra top coat every few days. And don’t ever, for the love of chicken and gravy, use nail polish without putting a base coat on first! If you skip this essential step, I’ll personally hunt you down.

Make sure you check out Elise work at Stuff That I Bought and The Nail File you will not be disappointed!