Who wants to know the ultimate makeup secrets? EVERYONE!

On our recent trip to IMATS not only did we see and experience some amazing products, I also had the opportunity to listen to my makeup artist idol, Rae Morris give a very detailed and informative talk on her career and the industry. Rae has worked with some talented people in her 15 years as a professional makeup artist, some of those people include, Miranda Kerr, Cate Blanchett, Jessica Biel, Pink and Hugh Jackman. Not to mention the countless advertising campaigns and editorial work, she has also been the Makeup Director for L’oreal Paris since 2003! Wow, such an amazing CV!

As makeup artists we try and find inspiration from all around us and sometimes through books (or makeup bibles). One of my makeup bibles just so happens to be written by my idol herself, Rae Morris and titled The Ultimate Guide. When I was a makeup student I used to flick through this book constantly, dreaming of one day creating such beautiful work as Rae. So you can imagine my delight when I was able to actually listen to her speak, I was like a fat kid at the corner shop, wanting all the information I could possible get within the one hour time limit.

Rae Morris: The Ultimate Guide is a 256 page teaching masterpiece, every page is full of great tips and techniques and step by step instructions on how to achieve great makeup both for personal and professional use.

In the book Rae goes into detail on creating the best makeup looks for your face shape, such a great piece of information! When you start working as a professional artist this is something that is just so important and something not all people out there understand. Different face shapes whether they be pear, oval, round or long have different features that can be both highlighted to stand out, or shaded to not stand out as much. This book tells you what those features actually are.

If you are a professional makeup artist or an avid makeup lover you should definitely have a good flick through this book. I guarantee you will learn something.

RRP: $39.95. Avaliable from all good bookstores.

* Image courtesy of Angusrobinson.com.au