Tandem Bike Wedding

Here is a wedding we recently did. The bride is one of my sister in-laws best friends. It was a beautiful wedding and I have never seen someone more happy and excited to be getting married!

The bride was given, by her fiance, the tandem bike from the movie Australia, as an engagement present. It is the coolest vintage bike you will ever see! (I have secret bike envy.) The whole wedding was so pretty and vintage.

Here are a few photos from the wedding. We did the bride, bridesmaid (in the lace) and the mothers makeup. They were such a lovely family and we wish Belinda and Phil all the best in their life together.

The photographer was Fiona from Snippets Photography you can also check her out on Facebook She is a lovely girl and has amazing wedding shots.


Snippets Photography


Snippets Photography


Snippets Photography


Snippets Photography


Snippets Photography


Snippets Photography




Great Gatsby/Vintage wedding inspiration

We recently did a hair and makeup trial for a lovely lady for her wedding. The theme is a bit of a jumble because she didn’t want a “theme” wedding. She explained it as vintage, Great Gatsby, carnival, elegant. It is also a 4 day event. So I think it is going to be something special and a time they will remember forever!

Where did we look for inspiration? Pinterest! Of course! This is some of what we came up with. I love some of these hairstyles and head pieces.

What do you think?


 *images all from Pinterest. 

Photo a Day Challenge January 2012 Day 22 – 26

Day 22, your shoes. We both have the same ones from K Mart. Super comfy!

Day 23. Something old. Vintage cooking moulds from Vinnies of course.

Day 24. Guilty Pleasure. Makes us want to get and move but also makes us feel a little better about ourselves.

Day 25. Something I made. A delicious banana and mango smoothy.

Day 26. Colour. Pink.

We are getting very close to the end now, but there will be another challenge in February. Head over to Fat Mum Slim to check it out and why not also check out the results of the January challenge too.